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Monday, 2 June 2008

Turville Valley Wines tel: 01494 868 818 - fax 01494 868 832 email:
All our wines are offered in GBP ex London Warehouse
Region Cases Bottles Size Year Wine Producer Price
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1982 Ch Cheval Blanc £700
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Cos d'Estournel £2,400
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Ducru Beaucaillou £1,650
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1982 Ch Grand Puy Lacoste £125
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1982 Ch Gruaud Larose £190
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Gruaud Larose £2,250
Bordeaux Red 9 Bot 1982 Ch Haut Brion £580
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Haut Brion £7,000
Bordeaux Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Haut Brion £7,000
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1982 Ch La Mission Haut Brion £600
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1982 Ch Lafite £1,500
Bordeaux Red 2 Mag 1982 Ch Lafite £3,000
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1982 Ch Lafleur £2,200
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1982 Ch Latour £1,200
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Latour £14,500
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1982 Ch Leoville Lascases £330
Bordeaux Red 2 Mag 1982 Ch Leoville Lascases £570
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Leoville Lascases £3,960
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Leoville Lascases £4,500
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1982 Ch Lynch Bages £175
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Lynch Bages £2,100
Bordeaux Red 11 Bot 1982 Ch Margaux £700
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Margaux £8,400
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Margaux £8,400
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1982 Ch Montrose £105
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Montrose £1,260
Bordeaux Red 11 Bot 1982 Ch Mouton Rothschild £740
Bordeaux Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Mouton Rothschild £8,880
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Mouton Rothschild £8,880
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1982 Ch Petrus £2,750
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1982 Ch Pichon Lalande £3,600
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1983 Ch Margaux £370
Bordeaux Red 9 Bot 1983 Ch Palmer £200
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1985 Ch Lynch Bages £1,600
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1985 Ch Margaux £275
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1985 Ch Mouton Rothschild £1,950
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1985 Ch Petrus £695
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1986 Ch Haut Brion £210
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1986 Ch Lafite £8,200
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1986 Ch Leoville Lascases £250
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1986 Ch Leoville Lascases £3,000
Bordeaux Red 3 Bot 1986 Ch Margaux £370
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1986 Ch Margaux £4,440
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1986 Ch Mouton Rothschild £600
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1986 Ch Mouton Rothschild £7,200
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1986 Ch Mouton Rothschild £7,200
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1986 Ch Palmer £75
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1988 Ch L'Angelus £85
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1988 Ch Lafleur £400
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1988 Ch Margaux £200
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1988 Ch Petrus £8,400
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1989 Ch Cantemerle £40
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1989 Ch Cantemerle £480
Bordeaux Red 3 Bot 1989 Ch Certan de May £45
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1989 Ch Cheval Blanc £200
Bordeaux Red 8 Bot 1989 Ch Cos d'Estournel £70
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 1989 Ch Cos d'Estournel £850
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1989 Ch D'Issan £30
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1989 Ch Haut Brion £750
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1989 Ch La Mission Haut Brion £650
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1989 Ch La Mission Haut Brion £7,800
Bordeaux Red 8 Bot 1989 Ch Lynch Bages £135
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1989 Ch Margaux £3,100
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1989 Ch Montrose £145
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1989 Ch Mouton Rothschild £180
Bordeaux Red 10 Bot 1989 Ch Petrus £2,100
Bordeaux Red 10 Bot 1989 Ch Pichon Baron £130
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1989 Ch Tertre Roteboeuf £140
Bordeaux Red 9 Bot 1990 Ch Cheval Blanc £800
Bordeaux Red 7 Bot 1990 Ch Haut Brion £450
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1990 Ch Haut Brion £5,400
Bordeaux Red 8 Bot 1990 Ch L'Angelus £270
Bordeaux Red 1 Hlf 1990 Ch L'Angelus £100
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1990 Ch L'Angelus £3,000
Bordeaux Red 7 Bot 1990 Ch La Mission Haut Brion £250
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1990 Ch Lafite £360
Bordeaux Red 1 Mag 1990 Ch Lafite £695
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1990 Ch Latour £500
Bordeaux Red 9 Bot 1990 Ch Leoville Barton £92
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1990 Ch Leoville Barton £1,100
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1990 Ch Leoville Lascases £175
Bordeaux Red 3 Bot 1990 Ch Leoville Poyferre £110
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1990 Ch Lynch Bages £140
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1990 Ch Lynch Bages £1,680
Bordeaux Red 11 Bot 1990 Ch Petrus £2,500
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1990 Ch Pichon Baron £145
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1990 Ch Pichon Baron £1,740
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1990 Ch Troplong Mondot £165
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1990 Dame de Montrose £600
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1992 Ch Mouton Rothschild £100
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1993 Ch D'Angludet £15
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1993 Couvent de l'Eglise £5
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1994 Ch L'Eglise Clinet £495
Bordeaux Red 7 Bot 1994 Ch Petrus £650
Bordeaux Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 1994 Ch Petrus £7,200
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1995 Ch Cheval Blanc £200
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 1995 Ch Cheval Blanc £2,400
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1995 Ch Lafite £300
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1995 Ch Latour £300
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1995 Ch Le Pin £795
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1995 Ch Leoville Lascases £90
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1995 Ch Margaux £275
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 1995 Ch Margaux £3,200
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1995 Ch l'Evangile £75
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1996 Ch Chasse Spleen £20
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 1996 Ch Haut Brion £175
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1996 Ch Lafite £600
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1996 Ch Latour £5,950
Bordeaux Red 10 Bot 1996 Ch Margaux £475
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Ch Petrus £6,200
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Ch Cheval Blanc £5,340
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 1998 Ch Haut Brion £210
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1998 Ch Lafite £360
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Ch Latour £2,100
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1998 Ch Margaux £175
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1998 Ch Petrus £1,950
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Ch Petrus £23,400
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 1998 Ch Trotanoy £155
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 1999 Ch Ausone £330
Bordeaux Red 26 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Ch Barde Haut £170
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 1999 Ch Cheval Blanc £167
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Ch Cheval Blanc £2,000
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Ch Canon La Gaffeliere £685
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Ch Haut Brion £5,700
Bordeaux Red 10 Bot 2000 Ch Latour £700
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 2000 Ch Leoville Barton £75
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Ch Leoville Barton £900
Bordeaux Red 9 Bot 2000 Ch Margaux £670
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Ch Margaux £8,040
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 2000 Ch Mouton Rothschild £480
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 2000 Ch Pavie £230
Bordeaux Red 5 Bot 2000 Ch Petrus £2,500
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 2000 Clos du Marquis £24
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 2001 Ch Cheval Blanc £185
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Ch Cheval Blanc £2,200
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 2001 Ch Lafite £242
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Ch Lafite £2,900
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Ch Lafite £2,900
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 6 Mags 2001 Ch Lafite £2,900
Bordeaux Red 2 Mag 2001 Ch Margaux £350
Bordeaux Red 50 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Ch Patache d'Aux £111
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 6 Mags 2001 Ch Patache d'Aux £123
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Ch Quinault l'Enclos [St Emilion Grand Cru] £318
Bordeaux Red 25 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Ch Sainte Colombe [Cotes de Castillon] £87
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Lafleur de Quinault £163
Bordeaux Red 1 Bot 2002 Ch Clinet £23
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Ch Haut Brion £1,400
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 2002 Ch Lafite £225
Bordeaux Red 3 Bot 2002 Ch Latour £240
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Ch Latour £3,100
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Ch Quinault l'Enclos [St Emilion Grand Cru] £318
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Lafleur de Quinault £140
Bordeaux Red 10 Bot 2003 Ch Calon Segur £40
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Ch Grand Puy Lacoste £300
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 2003 Ch Haut Brion £180
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Ch Lafite £7,200
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 24 hlvs 2003 Ch Lafite £7,200
Bordeaux Red 9 Bot 2003 Ch Latour £625
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 2003 Ch Margaux £475
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Ch Margaux £5,700
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Ch Mouton Rothschild £2,520
Bordeaux Red 2 Bot 2003 Ch Petrus £1,150
Bordeaux Red 1 Mag 2003 Ch Pichon Lalande £120
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Ch Lacombe Noaillac [Medoc Cru Bourgeois] £81
Bordeaux Red 8 Bot 2004 Ch Lafite £245
Bordeaux Red 3 Mag 2004 Ch Lafite £495
Bordeaux Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Ch Lafite £2,950
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 6 Mags 2004 Ch Lafite £2,950
Bordeaux Red 4 Bot 2004 Ch Latour £267
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Ch Latour £3,200
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Ch Latour £3,200
Bordeaux Red 10 Bot 2004 Ch Mouton Rothschild £145
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Ch Mouton Rothschild £1,695
Bordeaux Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Ch Mouton Rothschild £1,695
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Ch Quinault l'Enclos [St Emilion Grand Cru] £244
Bordeaux Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Lafleur de Quinault £140
Bordeaux Red 10 Bot 2005 Carruades de Lafite £110
Bordeaux Red 18 Hlf 2005 Carruades de Lafite £52
Bordeaux Red 4 Mag 2005 Carruades de Lafite £215
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 6 Mags 2005 Carruades de Lafite £1,290
Bordeaux Red 6 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Ch Lafite £10,000
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Ch Mouton Rothschild £6,000
Bordeaux Red 2 Case - 6 Mags 2005 Ch Mouton Rothschild £6,000
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 2005 Ch Petrus £2,750
Bordeaux Red 9 Bot 2005 Ch l'Evangile £175
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Vieux Ch Certan £1,440
Bordeaux Red 6 Bot 2006 Ch Mouton Rothschild £400
Bordeaux Red 1 Case - 6 Mags 2006 Ch Mouton Rothschild £4,800
Bordeaux White 5 Bot 1966 Ch D'Yquem £240
Bordeaux White 6 Hlf 1983 Ch D'Yquem £150
Bordeaux White 4 Bot 1987 Ch D'Yquem £140
Bordeaux White 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Coutet £363
Bordeaux White 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Doisy Daene £243
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Gloria £185
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Lagrange £257
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Larrivet Haut Brion £149
Bordeaux White 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Larrivet Haut Brion £218
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Lucia £233
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Petit Village £254
Bordeaux White 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Raymond Lafon £281
Bordeaux White 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Rieussec £510
Bordeaux White 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Ch Suduiraut £449
Bordeaux White 12 Hlf 2007 Extravagant de Doisy Daene £117
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Feifs de Lagrange £119
Bordeaux Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Sarget de Gruaud Larose £107
Port 1 Bot Dalva - 10 years old Bottled 1989 £5
Port 1 Case - 12 Bots 1955 Taylor £2,400
Port 1 Bot 1970 Fonseca £80
Port 1 Case - 12 Bots 1970 Warre £805
Port 11 Case - 12 Bots 1996 Quinta do Vesuvio £275
Port 5 Bot 1997 Fonseca £45
Port 1 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Fonseca £530
Port 1 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Port Primo Palatum £200
Port 10 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Warre £285
Madeira 1 Bot 1802 Boal Barbeito £500
Madeira 3 Bot 1810 Sercial Borges Family £1,000
Madeira 3 Bot 1827 Bual Quinta do Serrado £825
Madeira 1 Bot 1830 Malmsey Quinta do Serrado £850
Madeira 3 Bot 1834 Malvazia Barbeito £388
Madeira 1 Bot 1835 ôWö de Freitas Collection £313
Madeira 1 Bot 1836 Verdelho £450
Madeira 1 Bot 1840 Cama do Lobos J & B £223
Madeira 2 Bot 1850 Verdelho Companhia Vinicola da Madei £613
Madeira 3 Bot 1850 Verdelho Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £400
Madeira 1 Bot 1860 Sercial Lomelino £475
Madeira 2 Bot 1862 Sercial Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £606
Madeira 2 Bot 1863 Boal Barbeito £278
Madeira 1 Bot 1869 Bual Blandy £525
Madeira 1 Bot 1870 Boal JRT £400
Madeira 4 Bot 1870 Sercial BV Barbeito Quinta de Piadade £275
Madeira 1 Bot 1874 Boal MWC £400
Madeira 1 Bot 1875 Bastardo Cossart £1,438
Madeira 5 Bot 1875 Malvazia Barbeito £291
Madeira 3 Bot 1875 Malvazia Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £610
Madeira 3 Bot 1875 Moscatel Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £541
Madeira 2 Bot 1875 Sercial Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £593
Madeira 3 Bot 1880 Malvazia Compania Vinicola de Madeir £666
Madeira 1 Bot 1880 Terrantez Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £600
Madeira 1 Bot 1885 Sercial Blandy £388
Madeira 3 Bot 1885 Verdelho Barbeito £213
Madeira 1 Bot 1890 Verdelho Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £488
Madeira 6 Bot 1891 Sercial Araujo de Barros Prazeyres £538
Madeira 1 Bot 1893 Malmsey Blandy £538
Madeira 6 Bot 1895 Boal Barbeito £313
Madeira 3 Bot 1895 Malvazia Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £425
Madeira 4 Bot 1895 Verdelho Araujo de Barros Prazeyres £613
Madeira 1 Bot 1898 Terrantez Cossart £563
Madeira 5 Bot 1898 Verdelho Barbeito £288
Madeira 1 Bot 1899 Terrantez AO-SM £550
Madeira 1 Bot 1900 Malmsey Rutherford & Miles £463
Madeira 3 Bot 1900 Moscatel Leacock £375
Madeira 3 Bot 1900 Verdelho Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £388
Madeira 1 Bot 1901 Malvasia Adegas de Torreao £250
Madeira 1 Bot 1901 Malvazia Adegas de Torreao £313
Madeira 1 Bot 1902 Verdelho Cossart £350
Madeira 3 Bot 1903 Boal Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £469
Madeira 4 Bot 1905 Malvazia Barbeito £281
Madeira 1 Bot 1905 Sercial Cossart £300
Madeira 6 Bot 1905 Verdelho Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £288
Madeira 1 Bot 1906 Malvazia Cossart £406
Madeira 3 Bot 1907 Malvazia Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £350
Madeira 2 Bot 1908 Boal Cossart £450
Madeira 1 Bot 1908 Malmsey MWA £331
Madeira 2 Bot 1908 Verdelho Barbeito £275
Madeira 2 Bot 1910 Sercial Barbeito £169
Madeira 1 Bot 1910 Verdelho Cossart £200
Madeira 2 Bot 1911 Bual Blandy £244
Madeira 4 Bot 1912 Boal Barbeito £188
Madeira 5 Bot 1913 Malvazia Barbeito £213
Madeira 3 Bot 1914 Boal Barbeito £219
Madeira 7 Bot 1915 Bual LM Rodrigues £215
Madeira 1 Bot 1915 Malvazia Blandy £245
Madeira 4 Bot 1916 Malvazia Barbeito £218
Madeira 7 Bot 1917 Sercial Barbeito £160
Madeira 14 Bot 1920 Bual Blandy £294
Madeira 1 Bot 1920 Malvazia Cossart £613
Madeira 6 Bot 1922 Boal Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £213
Madeira 1 Bot 1923 Sercial Barbeito £126
Madeira 3 Bot 1924 Verdelho Barbeito £128
Madeira 3 Bot 1925 Sercial Barbeito £150
Madeira 5 Bot 1926 Verdelho Barbeito £118
Madeira 3 Bot 1927 Bastardo Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £243
Madeira 4 Bot 1928 Boal Barbeito £185
Madeira 2 Bot 1928 Sercial Barbeito £163
Madeira 1 Bot 1928 Verdelho Manuel Hugo/Luis de Silva l £165
Madeira 6 Bot 1929 Verdelho Barbeito £120
Madeira 2 Bot 1930 Boal Barbeito £141
Madeira 3 Bot 1931 Verdelho Barbeito £138
Madeira 2 Bot 1931 Verdelho Blandy Family £150
Madeira 4 Bot 1932 Boal Barbeito £128
Madeira 1 Bot 1932 Malvazia Borges £195
Madeira 2 Bot 1933 Bual Blandy Family £169
Madeira 2 Bot 1933 Malvazia Barbeito £138
Madeira 3 Bot 1933 Sercial Barbeito £110
Madeira 10 Bot 1934 Bual Leacock £235
Madeira 2 Bot 1934 Malvazia Barbeito £175
Madeira 2 Bot 1934 Verdelho Justinho Henriques £148
Madeira 1 Bot 1934 Verdelho Rutherford & Miles £169
Madeira 1 Case - 12 Bots 1934 Verdelho J Henriques £1,104
Madeira 1 Bot 1935 Bual Borges £195
Madeira 3 Bot 1935 Sercial Barbeito £140
Madeira 1 Bot 1936 Boal Barbeito Generally a fine v £135
Madeira 3 Bot 1937 Sercial Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £169
Madeira 7 Bot 1938 Boal Barbeito £135
Madeira 7 Bot 1939 Malvazia Barbeito £123
Madeira 1 Bot 1941 Boal Cossart CDGC Oustanding win £606
Madeira 2 Bot 1941 Verdelho Barbeito £105
Madeira 3 Bot 1942 Malvazia Barbeito £123
Madeira 2 Bot 1942 Verdelho Barbeito £113
Madeira 3 Bot 1943 Sercial Barbeito £118
Madeira 3 Bot 1944 Malvazia Barbeito £115
Madeira 1 Bot 1944 Sercial Lomelino £175
Madeira 5 Bot 1945 Malvazia Barbeito £125
Madeira 4 Bot 1946 Boal Barbeito £113
Madeira 2 Bot 1946 Malvazia Barbeito £131
Madeira 6 Bot 1947 Verdelho Barbeito £119
Madeira 4 Bot 1948 Bual Blandy £163
Madeira 7 Bot 1948 Malvazia Barbeito £140
Madeira 6 Bot 1949 Malvazia Barbeito £124
Madeira 2 Bot 1950 Boal Barbeito £115
Madeira 7 Bot 1950 Malvazia Barbeito £121
Madeira 2 Bot 1950 Sercial Cossart £139
Madeira 2 Bot 1950 Sercial Rutherford & Miles £145
Madeira 1 Bot 1950 Terrantez Barbeito £238
Madeira 2 Bot 1951 Sercial Barbeito £119
Madeira 1 Bot 1952 Boal Cossart £150
Madeira 1 Bot 1952 Malmsey Rutherford & Miles £175
Madeira 3 Bot 1952 Verdelho Barbeito £110
Madeira 5 Bot 1952 Verdelho PowerÆs £159
Madeira 5 Bot 1953 Boal Barbeito £106
Madeira 1 Bot 1954 Bual Blandy £150
Madeira 1 Bot 1954 Bual Blandy £163
Madeira 4 Bot 1954 Malvazia Barbeito £128
Madeira 6 Bot 1954 Verdelho Leacock £100
Madeira 3 Bot 1954 Verdelho Leacock £140
Madeira 5 Bot 1955 Boal Barbeito £113
Madeira 5 Bot 1956 Sercial Barbeito £113
Madeira 11 Bot 1957 Boal Barbeito £135
Madeira 7 Bot 1958 Boal Barbeito £135
Madeira 6 Bot 1958 Bual Cossart £144
Madeira 4 Bot 1958 Malvazia Barbeito £123
Madeira 10 Bot 1959 Bual Blandy £138
Madeira 8 Bot 1959 Sercial Leacock £131
Madeira 11 Bot 1960 Boal Blandy £93
Madeira 1 Bot 1960 Terrantez Leacock £250
Madeira 2 Bot 1960 Verdelho Barbeito £80
Madeira 4 Bot 1961 Malvazia Barbeito £103
Madeira 3 Bot 1962 Malvazia Barbeito £109
Madeira 2 Bot 1962 Verdelho Barbeito £103
Madeira 7 Bot 1963 Boal Barbeito £94
Madeira 3 Case - 12 Bots 1964 Boal J Henriques £799
Madeira 3 Bot 1964 Bual Blandy £111
Madeira 6 Bot 1964 Malmsey Blandy £113
Madeira 4 Bot 1965 Verdelho Barbeito £103
Madeira 10 Bot 1966 Bual Leacock £98
Madeira 3 Bot 1966 Sercial Blandy £100
Madeira 2 Bot 1966 Verdelho Barbeito £98
Madeira 9 Bot 1967 Verdelho Barbeito £83
Madeira 10 Bot 1968 Boal Barbeito £93
Madeira 1 Bot 1968 Verdelho Blandy £90
Madeira 8 Bot 1968 Verdelho Blandy £116
Madeira 4 Bot 1969 Bual Cossart £98
Madeira 2 Bot 1969 Malmsey Leacock £105
Madeira 14 Bot 1969 Terrantez Blandy £165
Madeira 3 Bot 1970 Boal Barbeito £88
Madeira 12 Bot 1971 Bual Blandy £94
Madeira 3 Bot 1971 Sercial Barbeito £89
Madeira 8 Bot 1971 Verdelho Leacock £85
Madeira 6 Bot 1972 Malvazia Barbeito £79
Madeira 1 Bot 1972 Sercial IVM £100
Madeira 5 Bot 1973 Boal Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £86
Madeira 4 Bot 1973 Verdelho Cossart £70
Madeira 4 Bot 1974 Sercial Barbeito £75
Madeira 2 Bot 1974 Terrantez Cossart £148
Madeira 1 Bot 1974 Verdelho Blandy £83
Madeira 10 Bot 1975 Malvazia Barbeito £75
Madeira 6 Bot 1975 Terrantez Blandy £118
Madeira 4 Bot 1975 Verdelho Cossart £70
Madeira 6 Bot 1976 Bual Cossart £80
Madeira 5 Bot 1976 Malmsey Blandy £95
Madeira 8 Bot 1976 Terrantez Blandy £113
Madeira 10 Bot 1977 Boal Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £65
Madeira 12 Bot 1977 Terrantez Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £74
Madeira 7 Bot 1977 Verdelho Blandy £64
Madeira 4 Bot 1978 Boal Reserva Pereira dÆOliveira £63
Madeira 6 Bot 1978 Verdelho Barbeito £60
Madeira 1 Bot 1980 Verdelho Barbeito £50
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1976 La Tache DRC £780
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1976 Romanee Conti DRC £3,400
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1982 La Tache DRC £550
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 1985 La Tache DRC £2,500
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1985 La Tache DRC £30,000
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 1985 Richebourg DRC £1,500
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1988 Romanee Conti DRC £3,800
Burgundy Red 11 Bot 1989 Richebourg DRC £650
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 1990 La Tache DRC £2,500
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 1990 Richebourg DRC £1,450
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 1991 Vosne Romanee - Beaux Monts Leroy £150
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 1993 Richebourg DRC £850
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1993 Richebourg DRC £10,200
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1993 Romanee Conti DRC £3,600
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1994 Clos Vougeot Leroy £110
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 1994 La Tache DRC £650
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1994 Romanee Conti DRC £3,250
Burgundy Red 5 Bot 1994 Romanee St Vivant DRC £360
Burgundy Red 8 Bot 1994 Vosne Romanee - Beaux Monts Leroy £100
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 1995 Clos de la Roche Dujac £110
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 1995 Grands Echezeaux DRC £450
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1995 La Tache DRC £1,250
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1995 La Tache DRC £15,000
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1995 La Tache DRC £15,000
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 1995 Mazis Chambertin Roty £175
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1995 Richebourg DRC £900
Burgundy Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1995 Richebourg DRC £10,800
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1995 Romanee Conti DRC £3,950
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 1996 Clos de la Roche Ponsot £75
Burgundy Red 10 Bot 1996 Grands Echezeaux DRC £450
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1996 La Tache DRC £16,800
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1996 Nuits St Georges - Corvees Pagets Arnoux £289
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 1996 Richebourg DRC £950
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1997 Echezeaux DRC £285
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1997 Grands Echezeaux DRC £350
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1997 La Tache DRC £700
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1997 Romanee Conti DRC £3,600
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 1997 Romanee St Vivant DRC £420
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 1998 Charmes Chambertin Dugat-Py £200
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1998 Echezeaux DRC £250
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1998 Grands Echezeaux DRC £300
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1998 La Tache DRC £600
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1998 Richebourg DRC £480
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1998 Romanee Conti DRC £3,300
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 1998 Romanee St Vivant DRC £380
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 1999 Gevrey Chambertin - Champs Chenys Roty £25
Burgundy Red 9 Bot 1999 La Tache DRC £2,300
Burgundy Red 9 Bot 1999 Richebourg DRC £1,650
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Richebourg DRC £19,800
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1999 Romanee Conti DRC £5,300
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 1999 Romanee St Vivant DRC £600
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Romanee St Vivant DRC £7,200
Burgundy Red 8 Bot 2000 Echezeaux DRC £280
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 2000 Grands Echezeaux DRC £380
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 2000 La Tache DRC £750
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 2000 Mazis Chambertin Maume £45
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 2000 Richebourg DRC £480
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Richebourg DRC £5,760
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 2000 Romanee Conti DRC £3,400
Burgundy Red 8 Bot 2000 Romanee St Vivant DRC £390
Burgundy Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Volnay - 1er Cru Taillepieds Marquis d'Angerville £330
Burgundy Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Nuits St Georges - 1er Cru Chaignots Henri Gouges £284
Burgundy Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Nuits St Georges - 1er Cru Clos des Porrets Henri Gouges £290
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 2001 Romanee Conti DRC £3,850
Burgundy Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Volnay - 1er Cru Taillepieds Marquis d'Angerville £330
Burgundy Red 15 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Chambolle Musigny Confuron-Cotetidot £272
Burgundy Red 8 Bot 2002 Gevrey Chambertin - Champs Chenys Roty £20
Burgundy Red 10 Bot 2002 La Tache DRC £1,250
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2002 La Tache DRC £15,000
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2002 Mazis Chambertin Roty £155
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2002 Richebourg DRC £1,000
Burgundy Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Volnay - 1er Cru Champans Marquis d'Angerville £439
Burgundy Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Volnay - 1er Cru Fremiet Marquis d'Angerville £382
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 2003 Bonnes Mares de Vogue £150
Burgundy Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Charmes Chambertin TVV Roty £1,500
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 2003 Griottes Chambertin Dugat £450
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 2003 La Tache DRC £1,275
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2003 Mazis Chambertin Roty £125
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Mazis Chambertin Rousseau £750
Burgundy Red 1 Bot 2003 Richebourg DRC £850
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 2003 Richebourg Meo-Camuzet £330
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Richebourg DRC £10,200
Burgundy Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Suchots Confuron-Cotetidot £324
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2004 La Tache DRC £700
Burgundy Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Nuits St Georges Henri Gouges £192
Burgundy Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Nuits St Georges - 1er Cru Chaignots Henri Gouges £284
Burgundy Red 5 Bot 2004 Richebourg DRC £600
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 2004 Romanee Conti DRC £3,200
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 2004 Romanee St Vivant DRC £480
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 2005 Bonnes Mares de Vogue £440
Burgundy Red 15 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Bourgogne Pinot Noir Bertrand Ambroise £87
Burgundy Red 3 Bot 2005 Chambertin Rousseau £700
Burgundy Red 7 Bot 2005 Chambertin - Clos de Beze Rousseau £700
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 2005 Charmes Chambertin Dujac £230
Burgundy Red 9 Bot 2005 Charmes Chambertin Rousseau £170
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Charmes Chambertin Rousseau £2,040
Burgundy Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Charmes Chambertin Rousseau £2,040
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 2005 Clos St Denis Dujac £350
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Clos de la Roche Ponsot £8,400
Burgundy Red 7 Bot 2005 Gevrey Chambertin Rousseau £35
Burgundy Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Gevrey Chambertin Rousseau £450
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St Jacques Rousseau £4,200
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2005 Mazis Chambertin Rousseau £185
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2005 Musigny de Vogue £800
Burgundy Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Nuits St Georges - Porrets St Georges Gouges £330
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Nuits St Georges - Pruliers Gouges £330
Burgundy Red 2 Bot 2005 Romanee St Vivant Arnoux £450
Burgundy Red 4 Bot 2005 Ruchottes Chambertin Rousseau £225
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Vosne Romanee - Beaumonts Dujac £2,300
Burgundy Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Assortment Ponsot £1,800
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Bonnes Mares Le Moine £200
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Bonnes Mares de Vogue £180
Burgundy Red 10 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Brouilly Jean-Paul Dubost £85
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Chambertin - Clos de Beze Le Moine £240
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Chambertin - Clos de Beze Perrot Minot £180
Burgundy Red 7 Bot 2006 Chambertin - Vieilles Vignes Perrot Minot £300
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Chambolle Musigny - 1er Cru de Vogue £85
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Chambolle Musigny - Amoureuses de Vogue £180
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Chapelle Chambertin Perrot Minot £100
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Charmes Chambertin Perrot Minot £100
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Charmes Chambertin Le Moine £1,200
Burgundy Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Charmes Chambertin Roty £3,100
Burgundy Red 9 Bot 2006 Clos St Denis Le Moine £100
Burgundy Red 1 Jer 2006 Clos de la Roche Ponsot £650
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Clos de la Roche Le Moine £1,200
Burgundy Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Clos de la Roche Ponsot £1,950
Burgundy Red 4 Case - 6 Mags 2006 Clos de la Roche Ponsot £1,950
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Echezeaux Le Moine £100
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Gevrey Chambertin - Lavaux St Jacques Le Moine £55
Burgundy Red 9 Bot 2006 Mazis Chambertin Le Moine £170
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Mazoyeres Chambertin Perrot Minot £150
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Musigny de Vogue £3,000
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Nuits St Georges - Richemone Perrot Minot £900
Burgundy Red 6 Bot 2006 Nuits St Georges - Richemone ULTRA Perrot Minot £110
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Nuits St Georges - Vaucrains Le Moine £660
Burgundy Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Vosne Romanee - Beaux Monts Perrot Minot £900
Burgundy Red 9 Bot 2006 Vosne Romanee - Suchots Le Moine £75
Burgundy White 8 Bot 1982 Batard Montrachet R & L Lequin £65
Burgundy White 1 Bot 1984 Montrachet DRC £1,100
Burgundy White 2 Bot 1992 Meursault - Clos de la Barre Lafon £125
Burgundy White 1 Bot 1996 Puligny Montrachet - Pucelles Leflaive £120
Burgundy White 2 Bot 1997 Batard Montrachet Leflaive £150
Burgundy White 1 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Bienvenues Batard Montrachet Leflaive £1,480
Burgundy White 6 Bot 1997 Chevalier Montrachet Leflaive £175
Burgundy White 3 Bot 1997 Corton Charlemagne Coche-Dury £750
Burgundy White 3 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Puligny Montrachet Leflaive £420
Burgundy White 1 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Puligny Montrachet - Clavoillons Leflaive £600
Burgundy White 1 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Batard Montrachet Leflaive £1,200
Burgundy White 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Chablis - Les Clos Brochard £190
Burgundy White 1 Bot 1999 Montrachet DRC £1,950
Burgundy White 1 Bot 2000 Bienvenues Batard Montrachet Leflaive £100
Burgundy White 1 Bot 2000 Chevalier Montrachet Deleger £65
Burgundy White 2 Bot 2000 Meursault - Chevalieres Coche-Dury £145
Burgundy White 3 Bot 2000 Meursault - Perrieres Coche-Dury £420
Burgundy White 1 Bot 2000 Montrachet DRC £1,600
Burgundy White 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Chablis - Les Clos Dauvisat £420
Burgundy White 3 Bot 2001 Corton Charlemagne Coche-Dury £800
Burgundy White 6 Bot 2002 Chablis - Forets Dauvisat £35
Burgundy White 6 Bot 2002 Puligny Montrachet - Enseigneres Coche-Dury £125
Burgundy White 3 Bot 2003 Corton Charlemagne Coche-Dury £650
Burgundy White 10 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Meursault - 1er Cru Santenots Marquis d'Angerville £272
Burgundy White 5 Bot 2003 Meursault - Perrieres Coche-Dury £285
Burgundy White 2 Bot 2004 Montrachet DRC £1,600
Burgundy White 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Batard Montrachet Leflaive £3,000
Burgundy White 3 Bot 2005 Bienvenues Batard Montrachet Leflaive £190
Burgundy White 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Bienvenues Batard Montrachet Leflaive £2,280
Burgundy White 5 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Chassagne Montrachet Louis Carillon £284
Burgundy White 15 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Montagny - 1er Cru Le Vieux Chateau Stephane Aladame £117
Burgundy White 4 Bot 2005 Montrachet Le Moine £300
Burgundy White 10 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Pouilly Fuisse - Courtelongs Saumaize-Michelin £157
Burgundy White 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Puligny Montrachet - Clavoillons Leflaive £760
Burgundy White 6 Bot 2005 Puligny Montrachet - Enseigneres Coche-Dury £200
Burgundy White 6 Bot 2005 Puligny Montrachet - Folatieres Leflaive £105
Burgundy White 6 Bot 2006 Bourgogne Blanc de Vogue £85
Burgundy White 15 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Bourgogne Chardonnay Bertrand Ambroise £87
Burgundy White 20 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Macon Blanc Villages - Sertaux Saumaize-Michelin £97
Burgundy White 20 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Saint Veran - Les Creches Saumaize-Michelin £111
Rhone Red 2 Bot 1980 Hermitage Chave £95
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1983 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £720
Rhone Red 6 Case - 12 Bots 1983 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £720
Rhone Red 1 Bot 1989 Chateauneuf - Marie Beurrier Bonneau £125
Rhone Red 1 Bot 1989 Cote Rotie - La Landonne Guigal £300
Rhone Red 1 Bot 1989 Hermitage Guigal £30
Rhone Red 8 Bot 1990 Ch De Beaucastel £82
Rhone Red 1 Bot 1990 Hermitage Guigal £40
Rhone Red 11 Bot 1992 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Celestins Bonneau £125
Rhone Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 1993 Cote Rotie - La Mordoree Chapoutier £340
Rhone Red 3 Bot 1995 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Generations Ch de la Gardine £30
Rhone Red 11 Bot 1995 Chateauneuf - Marie Beurrier Bonneau £90
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1995 Chateauneuf - Marie Beurrier Bonneau £1,080
Rhone Red 8 Bot 1996 Chateauneuf - Barbe Rac Chapoutier £35
Rhone Red 1 Bot 1996 Cote Rotie - La Landonne Guigal £125
Rhone Red 1 Bot 1996 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £125
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1996 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £1,400
Rhone Red 3 Bot 1996 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £125
Rhone Red 5 Bot 1996 Ermitage - Pavillon Chapoutier £80
Rhone Red 4 Bot 1996 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £45
Rhone Red 8 Bot 1997 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £135
Rhone Red 2 Bot 1997 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £135
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £1,620
Rhone Red 5 Mag 1997 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £105
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £620
Rhone Red 7 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £620
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Ch Rayas £1,850
Rhone Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Ch Rayas £1,850
Rhone Red 4 Bot 1998 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Speciale Bonneau £240
Rhone Red 7 Bot 1998 Cote Rotie St Cosme £42
Rhone Red 8 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Cote Rotie St Cosme £500
Rhone Red 6 Bot 1998 Cote Rotie - La Mordoree Chapoutier £50
Rhone Red 1 Mag 1998 Ermitage - l'Ermite Chapoutier £195
Rhone Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Hermitage - Bessards Delas £650
Rhone Red 5 Bot 1998 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £45
Rhone Red 3 Bot 1999 Ch de Beaucastel £35
Rhone Red 5 Bot 1999 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Celestins Bonneau £140
Rhone Red 11 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Felix Bois de Boursan £295
Rhone Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Reserve Clos du Caillou £485
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Tardieu Laurent £360
Rhone Red 5 Mag 1999 Chateauneuf - Cuvee de Mon Aieul Pierre Usseglio £45
Rhone Red 24 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Chateauneuf - Cuvee de Mon Aieul Pierre Usseglio £250
Rhone Red 3 Case - 6 Mags 1999 Chateauneuf - Cuvee de Mon Aieul Pierre Usseglio £240
Rhone Red 9 Bot 1999 Cote Rotie St Cosme £46
Rhone Red 4 Bot 1999 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £350
Rhone Red 3 Bot 1999 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £350
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £4,200
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £540
Rhone Red 1 Bot 1999 Hommage a J Perrin Ch De Beaucastel £180
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Hommage a J Perrin Ch De Beaucastel £2,100
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Hommage a J Perrin Ch De Beaucastel £2,100
Rhone Red 3 Bot 2000 Ch de Beaucastel £35
Rhone Red 10 Bot 2000 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Felix Bois de Boursan £43
Rhone Red 11 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Felix Bois de Boursan £495
Rhone Red 11 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Quartz Clos du Caillou £350
Rhone Red 3 Bot 2000 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Vieille Julienne £95
Rhone Red 6 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Vieille Julienne £1,100
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Chateauneuf du Pape La Roquette £160
Rhone Red 5 Bot 2000 Cote Rotie St Cosme £17
Rhone Red 6 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Cote Rotie St Cosme £200
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2000 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £100
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2000 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £100
Rhone Red 6 Bot 2000 Hermitage - La Chapelle Jaboulet £45
Rhone Red 3 Bot 2000 Hommage a J Perrin Ch De Beaucastel £175
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Hommage a J Perrin Ch De Beaucastel £2,100
Rhone Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Centenaire Les Cailloux £1,295
Rhone Red 6 Bot 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Chaupin Janasse £35
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Felix Bois de Boursan £375
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Reserve Clos du Caillou £1,800
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Marcoux £95
Rhone Red 6 Bot 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Vieille Julienne £95
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Janasse £840
Rhone Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Vieille Julienne £1,150
Rhone Red 3 Bot 2001 Chateauneuf - Secret de Sabon £350
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2001 Cote Rotie - La Landonne Guigal £125
Rhone Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Cote Rotie - La Landonne Guigal £1,495
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2001 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £125
Rhone Red 6 Bot 2001 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £126
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £1,495
Rhone Red 6 Bot 2001 Hermitage - Cuvee Emile Desmeure £30
Rhone Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Ch de Beaucastel £360
Rhone Red 7 Bot 2003 Cote Rotie - La Landonne Guigal £350
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2003 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £350
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2003 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £350
Rhone Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Cote Rotie - La Landonne Guigal £1,400
Rhone Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Cote Rotie - La Mouline Guigal £1,400
Rhone Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Cote Rotie - La Turque Guigal £1,400
Rhone Red 50 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Cotes du Rhone Guigal £65
Rhone Red 1 Bot 2004 Hommage a J Perrin Ch De Beaucastel £150
Rhone Red 1 Dmg 2004 Hommage a J Perrin Ch De Beaucastel £600
Rhone Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Chateauneuf du Pape Pierre Usseglio £140
Rhone Red 15 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Cornas - Chante Perdrix Delas £235
Rhone Red 15 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Hermitage - Marquise de la Tourette Delas £270
Rhone Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Hermitage - Bessards Delas £800
Rhone White 1 Mag 1992 Hermitage - Sterimbourg Jaboulet £30
Rhone White 3 Bot 1998 Ch De Beaucastel - Blanc £26
Rhone White 6 Bot 1999 Condrieu - la Doriane Guigal £50
Rhone White 3 Bot 2003 Hermitage Blanc Chave £120
Alsace 8 Bot 1976 Gewurztraminer - VT SGN Hugel £75
Alsace 2 Bot 1976 Riesling - VT SGN Hugel £75
Champagne 6 Bot Champagne - Substance Selosse - Jacques £112
Champagne 4 Case - 12 Bots Champagne - Substance Selosse - Jacques £1,320
Champagne 1 Jer Roederer - Brut Premier £130
Champagne 3 Mag 1983 Roederer - Cristal £550
Champagne 1 Bot 1992 Dom Perignon - Oenotheque £100
Champagne 1 Bot 1995 Roederer - Cristal £130
Champagne 7 Mag 1995 Roederer - Cristal £550
Champagne 1 Mag 1999 Roederer - Cristal Rose £840
Champagne 5 Bot 2000 Roederer - Cristal £130
Champagne 10 Mag 2000 Roederer - Cristal £550
Champagne 2 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Roederer - Cristal £1,560
Champagne 4 Bot 2000 Roederer - Cristal Rose £325
Champagne 1 Mag 2000 Roederer - Cristal Rose £840
Champagne 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Roederer - Cristal Rose £3,900
Champagne 5 Mag 2002 Roederer - Cristal £525
Champagne 1 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Roederer - Cristal £1,560
Italy 1 Bot 1990 Barolo - Cannubi Scavino - P £90
Italy 4 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Barbaresco - Turot Prunotto £275
Italy 11 Bot 1997 Montiano Falesco £35
Italy 2 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Montiano Falesco £410
Italy 1 Case - 12 Bots 1997 Sammarco Castello di Rampolla £575
Italy 4 Bot 1998 Barolo Mascarello - B £40
Italy 2 Bot 1998 Messorio Le Macchiole £180
Italy 5 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Montiano Falesco £300
Italy 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Barolo Mascarello - B £460
Italy 3 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Recioto Amandoriato Classico - Mezzanella Masi £309
Italy 6 Bot 2000 Barolo Mascarello - B £40
Italy 2 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo Mascarello - B £460
Italy 4 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo Molino £225
Italy 2 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - Bricco Fiasco Azelia £340
Italy 3 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - Brunate Vietti £415
Italy 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - Cerequio Roberto Voerzio £915
Italy 8 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - Ginestra Conterno - Paolo £280
Italy 2 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - La Serra Roberto Voerzio £915
Italy 2 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - Ravera Vietti £415
Italy 1 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - San Rocco Azelia £340
Italy 4 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - Vigna Conca Molino £290
Italy 4 Case - 12 Bots 2000 Barolo - Vigna Gancia Molino £280
Italy 6 Bot 2001 Amarone Classico - Mazzano Masi £48
Italy 2 Bot 2001 Chianti Classico - Vigneto La Casuccia Castello di Ama £50
Italy 8 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Rosso di Montalcino Fanti £65
Italy 1 Bot 2002 Sassicaia £45
Italy 1 Bot 2003 Galatrona Petrolo £35
Italy 1 Bot 2003 Siepi Fonterutoli £35
Italy 2 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Solaia Antinori £880
Italy 15 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Marciliano (Umbria IGT Cab Sauv. / Cab Franc) Falesco £245
Italy 7 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Montiano (Lazio IGT Merlot) Falesco £184
Italy 10 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Pesano Merlot Falesco £85
Italy 15 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Vitiano Falesco £50
Australia 24 Hlf Calliope Rare Muscat R Buller £38
Australia 1 Case - 12 Bots Fine Old Tokay R Buller £130
Australia 1 Bot 1985 Grange Penfolds £150
Australia White 3 Bot 1998 Semillon - Elliott's Well Reserve Oakvale £6
Australia 5 Bot 1999 JSM - Shiraz Cabernet Fox Creek £12
Australia 6 Case - 12 Bots 1999 JSM - Shiraz Cabernet Fox Creek £125
Australia 5 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Shiraz Killibinbin £200
Australia 4 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Short Row - Shiraz Fox Creek £180
Australia 10 Bot 2000 Grange Penfolds £100
Australia 10 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Octavius - Old Vine Shiraz Yalumba £454
Australia 3 Case - 12 Bots 2001 The Reserve Yalumba £480
Australia 6 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Octavius - Old Vine Shiraz Yalumba £360
Australia 3 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Shiraz - The Dead Arm D'Arenberg £275
Australia 10 Case - 12 Bots 2002 The Anvil Heathcote Shiraz Redbank £168
Australia 3 Bot 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon - Serpico Mitolo £25
Australia 1 Case - 12 Bots 2003 McRae Wood Jim Barry £160
NZ Red 20 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Marlborough Pinot Noir Walnut Block £100
NZ White 20 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Blicks Lane (Walnut Block) £70
NZ White 20 Case - 12 Bots 2006 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Walnut Block £79
NZ White 4 Bot 2006 Sauvignon Blanc Cloudy Bay £14
Spain 6 Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale Bodegas Vega Sicilia £130
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale Bodegas Vega Sicilia £1,560
Spain 1 Mag 1960 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £800
Spain 1 Bot 1964 Rioja - Castillo Ygay Gran Reserva Marques de Murrieta £130
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 1967 Rioja - Monte Real Reserva Bodega Riojanos £415
Spain 2 Bot 1969 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £306
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 1970 Rioja - Monte Real Gran Reserva Bodega Riojanos £415
Spain 3 Bot 1970 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £330
Spain 1 Mag 1972 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £617
Spain 5 Bot 1973 Rioja - Gran Reserva Bodegas Montecillo £30
Spain 5 Case - 12 Bots 1973 Rioja - Monte Real Crianza Bodega Riojanos £207
Spain 5 Case - 12 Bots 1976 Rioja - Monte Real Reserva Bodega Riojanos £242
Spain 4 Case - 12 Bots 1978 Rioja - Monte Real Reserva Bodega Riojanos £242
Spain 2 Bot 1979 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £249
Spain 1 Mag 1979 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £601
Spain 2 Bot 1980 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £231
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 1981 Rioja - Vina Real Oro Reserva CVNE £300
Spain 2 Bot 1981 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £226
Spain 2 Bot 1982 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £258
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 1985 Rioja - Vina Real Oro Reserva CVNE £253
Spain 3 Bot 1985 Valbuena 3║ A±o Bodegas Vega Sicilia £40
Spain 2 Bot 1985 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £197
Spain 12 Bot 1987 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £151
Spain 1 Mag 1987 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £380
Spain 12 Bot 1989 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £150
Spain 6 Bot 1990 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £165
Spain 3 Bot 1991 Pesquera - Janus - Gran Reserva £85
Spain 12 Bot 1991 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £162
Spain 1 Mag 1991 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £382
Spain 6 Bot 1994 Pesquera - Janus - Reserva £85
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 1994 Rioja - Reserva Marques de Murrieta £196
Spain 12 Bot 1994 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £174
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 1995 Rioja - Reserva CVNE £150
Spain 12 Bot 1995 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £156
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 1996 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £1,740
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Pingus £3,000
Spain 2 Bot 1998 Rioja - Pagos Viejos - Reserva Artadi £32
Spain 6 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Terreus - Pago de Cueva Baja Mauro £480
Spain 3 Bot 1998 Tirant Rotllan Torra £30
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 1998 Vega Sicilia - Unico Bodegas Vega Sicilia £1,820
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Rioja - Grandes Anadas Artadi £660
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Rioja - Grandes Anadas Artadi £660
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Rioja - Vina El Pison Artadi £720
Spain 6 Bot 2001 L'Ermita Alvaro Palacios £175
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Rioja - Contador Benjamin Romeo £1,560
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Rioja - Grandes Anadas Artadi £1,601
Spain 5 Case - 12 Bots 2001 Rioja - Reserva Contino £184
Spain 1 Bot 2001 Rioja - Vina de Andres Romeo Benjamin Romeo £65
Spain 1 Bot 2002 Rioja - Contador Benjamin Romeo £134
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Rioja - Cueva de Contador Benjamin Romeo £449
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Pintia Toro £288
Spain 1 Bot 2003 Ribera del Duero - Pesus Vina Sastre £150
Spain 6 Bot 2003 Rioja - Contador Benjamin Romeo £158
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Rioja - Vina de Andres Benjamin Romeo £726
Spain 2 Mag 2004 Alion £77
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Alion £369
Spain 6 Bot 2004 Clos Mogador (Priorat) £40
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Flor de Pingus £956
Spain 3 Bot 2004 La Nieta Vinedos de Paganos £77
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Malleolus de Sancho Martin Emilio Moro £991
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Malleolus de Valderramiro Emilio Moro £726
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Numanthia £507
Spain 12 Mag 2004 Pesquera - Reserva £47
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Pingus £9,170
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Pintia Toro £288
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Quinta Sardonia £415
Spain 5 Bot 2004 Rioja - Aro Muga £92
Spain 25 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Rioja - Crianza - Tinto Marques de Caceres £72
Spain 25 Case - 24 hlvs 2004 Rioja - Crianza - Tinto Marques de Caceres £79
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Rioja - Cueva de Contador Benjamin Romeo £576
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Rioja - Pagos Viejos Artadi £680
Spain 3 Mag 2004 Rioja - Vina El Pison Artadi £566
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Rioja - Vina El Pison Artadi £3,041
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Rioja - Vina de Andres Benjamin Romeo £968
Spain 1 Bot 2004 Termanthia Numanthia £300
Spain 6 Bot 2004 l'Ermita Alvaro Palacios £379
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Clos Mogador (Priorat) £553
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Costers de Vinyes Velles Mas Doix £783
Spain 7 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Hacienda Monasterio £240
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 La Nieta Vinedos de Paganos £726
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Malleolus de Sancho Martin Emilio Moro £991
Spain 9 Bot 2005 Malleolus de Valderramiro Emilio Moro £60
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Numanthia £346
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Pintia Toro £288
Spain 2 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Rioja - Finca el Bosque Sierra Cantabria £726
Spain 15 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Rioja - Rosado Marques de Caceres £58
Spain 1 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Rioja - Vina El Pison Artadi £1,509
Spain 3 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Rioja - Vina de Andres Benjamin Romeo £864
Spain 6 Bot 2005 Termanthia Numanthia £130
Spain 15 Case - 12 Bots 2007 Rioja - Blanco Marques de Caceres £52
Spain 15 Case - 24 hlvs 2007 Rioja - Blanco Marques de Caceres £56
California Red 1 Bot 1982 Opus One £160
California Red 1 Bot 1986 Cabernet Sauvignon Kistler £97
California Red 1 Bot 1986 Volcanic Hill Cabernet Sauvignon Diamond Creek £70
California Red 2 Bot 1987 Cabernet Sauvignon Groth £77
California Red 1 Mag 1987 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £242
California Red 2 Bot 1987 Limited Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Silverado £96
California Red 1 Bot 1987 Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Dunn £66
California Red 1 Bot 1987 Opus One £160
California Red 2 Bot 1988 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Groth £66
California Red 1 Bot 1988 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £74
California Red 1 Bot 1989 Maya Proprietary Blend Dalla Valle £257
California Red 5 Bot 1990 Cabernet Sauvignon Mount Veeder £64
California Red 3 Bot 1990 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £73
California Red 3 Bot 1990 Howell Mountain Select Cabernet Sauvignon La Jota £68
California Red 2 Bot 1990 Limited Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Silverado £77
California Red 6 Bot 1990 Limited Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Silverado £88
California Red 1 Bot 1990 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Stag's Leap £83
California Red 1 Bot 1990 Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Beringer £70
California Red 1 Bot 1990 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Groth £75
California Red 2 Bot 1990 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Groth £88
California Red 1 Bot 1990 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £109
California Red 3 Bot 1991 Bonny's Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Silver Oak £96
California Red 7 Bot 1991 Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £66
California Red 2 Bot 1991 Cabernet Sauvignon Staglin Family Vineyards £88
California Red 1 Bot 1991 Columbia Valley Merlot Leonetti Cellars £68
California Red 9 Bot 1991 Dominus £209
California Red 1 Bot 1991 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £91
California Red 1 Bot 1991 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £190
California Red 2 Bot 1991 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £197
California Red 1 Mag 1991 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £383
California Red 2 Bot 1991 Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon Dunn £66
California Red 11 Bot 1991 Limited Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Silverado £69
California Red 2 Bot 1991 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Groth £66
California Red 2 Bot 1991 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Robert Mondavi £70
California Red 6 Bot 1991 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £128
California Red 1 Dmg 1992 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Silver Oak £383
California Red 1 Mag 1992 Cabernet Sauvignon Staglin Family Vineyards £209
California Red 5 Case - 12 Bots 1992 Cabernet Sauvignon Mayacamas Vineyards £588
California Red 1 Bot 1992 Fay Cabernet Sauvignon Stag's Leap £87
California Red 3 Bot 1992 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £154
California Red 3 Bot 1992 Howell Mountain Select Cabernet Sauvignon La Jota £87
California White 1 Bot 1992 McCrea Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £64
California Red 2 Bot 1992 Monte Bello Proprietary Blend Ridge Vineyards £113
California Red 2 Bot 1992 Monte Bello Proprietary Blend Ridge Vineyards £122
California Red 2 Bot 1992 Oakville Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon Lewis Cellars £106
California Red 4 Bot 1992 Petit Sirah Dunn £77
California Red 1 Bot 1992 Proprietary Red Harlan Estate £300
California Red 6 Bot 1992 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £100
California Red 1 Mag 1993 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Silver Oak £126
California Red 10 Bot 1993 Cabernet Sauvignon Dalla Valle £66
California Red 1 Bot 1993 Cabernet Sauvignon Tom Eddy £81
California Red 3 Bot 1993 Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Leonetti Cellars £90
California Red 2 Bot 1993 Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon Dunn £66
California Red 1 Bot 1993 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £96
California Red 1 Bot 1993 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Lewis Cellars £70
California Red 5 Bot 1993 Oakville Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon Lewis Cellars £106
California Red 5 Bot 1993 Petit Sirah Dunn £77
California Red 2 Bot 1993 Proprietary Red Harlan Estate £285
California Red 3 Bot 1993 Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Sauvignon Kathryn Kennedy £64
California Red 8 Bot 1993 Sunshine Vyd. Library Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Hartwell £64
California Red 1 Dmg 1994 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Silver Oak £438
California Red 1 Mag 1994 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Silver Oak £190
California Red 1 Bot 1994 Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £70
California Red 1 Bot 1994 Cabernet Sauvignon Spottswoode £66
California Red 1 Bot 1994 Cabernet Sauvignon Spottswoode £77
California Red 12 Case - 12 Bots 1994 Cabernet Sauvignon Mayacamas Vineyards £817
California Red 5 Bot 1994 Clone 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Beaulieu Vineyards £77
California Red 2 Bot 1994 Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Leonetti Cellars £108
California Red 1 Mag 1994 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £242
California Red 1 Bot 1994 Five Proprietary Blend Cain £90
California Red 1 Bot 1994 Hayne Vyd. Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £122
California Red 5 Bot 1994 Limited Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Silverado £81
California Red 1 Bot 1994 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Groth £90
California Red 3 Bot 1994 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £132
California Red 1 Bot 1994 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £141
California Red 7 Bot 1995 Cabernet Sauvignon Dalla Valle £84
California Red 2 Bot 1995 Diamond Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon Lokoya £77
California Red 2 Bot 1995 Dominus Christian Moueix £60
California Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1995 Dominus Christian Moueix £690
California Red 4 Bot 1995 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Far Niente £70
California Red 1 Bot 1995 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £227
California Red 10 Bot 1995 Merlot Pahlmeyer £81
California Red 2 Bot 1995 Opus One £142
California Red 5 Bot 1995 Opus One £148
California Red 1 Bot 1995 Petit Sirah Dunn £77
California Red 15 Case - 12 Bots 1995 Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Beringer £430
California Red 2 Bot 1996 Cabernet Sauvginon David Arthur £96
California Red 1 Bot 1996 Cabernet Sauvignon Barbour Vineyards £71
California Red 15 Bot 1996 Cabernet Sauvignon Dalla Valle £72
California Red 1 Case - 12 Bots 1996 Cabernet Sauvignon Dalla Valle £1,100
California Red 4 Bot 1996 Gravelly Meadow Cabernet Sauvignon Diamond Creek £66
California Red 14 Bot 1996 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £91
California Red 3 Bot 1996 Maya Proprietary Blend Dalla Valle £306
California Red 3 Bot 1996 Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon Miner £64
California Red 3 Bot 1996 Opus One £160
California Red 3 Bot 1996 Opus One £141
California Red 16 Case - 12 Bots 1996 Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Beringer £415
California Red 1 Bot 1996 Vineyard 101 Zinfandel Turley Wine Cellars £79
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Cabernet Sauvignon Etude £77
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Cabernet Sauvignon Seavey £113
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Cornerstone Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Cornerstone Cellars £64
California Red 2 Bot 1997 Diamond Mountain Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Von Strasser £74
California Red 1 Mag 1997 Diamond Mountain Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Von Strasser £149
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Dominus £102
California Red 12 Bot 1997 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £122
California Red 12 Bot 1997 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Far Niente £88
California Red 2 Mag 1997 Harlan Estate £2,416
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Les Pavots Proprietary Blend Peter Michael Winery £139
California Red 2 Bot 1997 Madrona Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon Abreu £548
California Red 2 Bot 1997 Monte Bello Proprietary Blend Ridge Vineyards £81
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Non Plus Ultra Cabernet Sauvignon Gianni Paoletti £115
California Red 6 Bot 1997 Ode To Picasso Proprietary Blend Behrens & Hitchcock £90
California Red 5 Bot 1997 Opus One £180
California Red 4 Bot 1997 Profile Proprietary Blend Merryvale Vineyards £72
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Spenker Ranch Zinfandel Turley Wine Cellars £75
California Red 1 Mag 1997 The Unity MM Proprietary Blend (Chipped Bottle) Fisher £167
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Trilogy Proprietary Blend Flora Springs £64
California White 1 Bot 1997 Twisted and Bent Proprietary White Sine Qua Non £129
California Red 6 Bot 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon Dalla Valle £71
California Red 4 Bot 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon Hartwell £71
California White 3 Bot 1998 Chardonnay Kongsgaard £90
California Red 1 Mag 1998 Harlan Estate £612
California Red 1 Dmg 1998 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £386
California Red 1 Bot 1998 Kistler Vyd. Pinot Noir Kistler £81
California Red 3 Bot 1998 Ode To Picasso Proprietary Blend Behrens & Hitchcock £64
California Red 2 Bot 1998 Red Rock Terrace Cabernet Sauvignon Diamond Creek £66
California Red 1 Bot 1998 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Kistler £77
California Red 2 Bot 1999 Beckstoffer Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Behrens & Hitchcock £96
California Red 2 Bot 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon Bryant Family Vineyard £274
California Red 2 Bot 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon Dalla Valle £77
California Red 2 Bot 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon Jones Family Vineyard £77
California Red 4 Bot 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon Quilceda Creek £141
California Red 15 Case - 12 Bots 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon Mayacamas Vineyards £359
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Claret Robert Foley Vineyards £106
California White 1 Bot 1999 Cuvee Cathleen Chardonnay Kistler £141
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Dominus £70
California White 4 Bot 1999 Durell Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £77
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Fat Boy Proprietary Blend Behrens & Hitchcock £64
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Gaudeamas Vnyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Schrader £77
California Red 6 Bot 1999 Harlan Estate £370
California Red 1 Mag 1999 Harlan Estate £773
California Red 2 Mag 1999 Harlan Estate £837
California Red 2 Bot 1999 Hayne Vyd. Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £90
California Red 1 Dmg 1999 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £966
California Red 3 Bot 1999 Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon Lokoya £77
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Kistler Vyd. Pinot Noir Kistler £102
California Red 1 Mag 1999 Le Moulin Rouge Pinot Noir Peter Michael Winery £306
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Limited Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Silverado £64
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Matriarch Proprietary Blend Harlan Estate £77
California White 1 Mag 1999 Mon Plaisir Chardonnay Peter Michael Winery £135
California Red 6 Bot 1999 Opus One £130
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Ox Shea Vyd. Pinot Noir Sine Qua Non £122
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Pahlmeyer £83
California Red 6 Bot 1999 Rattlesnake Hill Cabernet Sauvignon Barnett Vineyards £71
California Red 11 Bot 1999 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Pride Mountain Vineyards £87
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Kistler £64
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Kistler £71
California Red 1 Mag 1999 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £226
California Red 1 Bot 1999 Spring Mountain District Cabernet Sauvignon Sherwin Family £64
California Red 3 Bot 1999 The Maiden Proprietary Blend Harlan Estate £102
California White 4 Bot 1999 Vine Hill Road Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £70
California Red 1 Mag 2000 Cabernet Sauvignon Hourglass £154
California Red 1 Dmg 2000 Cabernet Sauvignon (Etched Bottle) Pride Mountain Vineyards £255
California Red 1 Bot 2000 Elevation 1147 Cabernet Sauvignon David Arthur £110
California Red 1 Bot 2000 Hayne Vyd. Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £83
California Red 4 Bot 2000 Hudson Vyd. Syrah Kongsgaard £77
California Red 1 Bot 2000 Hudson Vyd. Syrah (Torn Label) Kongsgaard £77
California Red 1 Bot 2000 Kistler Vyd. Pinot Noir Kistler £87
California Red 1 Bot 2000 Leonardini Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Whitehall Lane £64
California Red 5 Bot 2000 Rattlesnake Hill Cabernet Sauvignon Barnett Vineyards £71
California Red 1 Mag 2000 Rattlesnake Hill Cabernet Sauvignon Barnett Vineyards £146
California Red 2 Bot 2000 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Pride Mountain Vineyards £77
California Red 1 Mag 2000 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Pride Mountain Vineyards £209
California Red 5 Bot 2000 Thorevilos Cabernet Sauvignon Abreu £122
California Red 2 Bot 2000 Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £173
California Red 2 Bot 2001 Bond Melbury Harlan Estate £158
California Red 2 Bot 2001 Bond Vecina Harlan Estate £167
California Red 2 Mag 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon Axios £129
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon Bryant Family Vineyard £209
California Red 5 Bot 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon Dalla Valle £84
California Red 3 Bot 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon Hourglass £109
California Red 14 Bot 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon Hourglass £122
California Red 1 Mag 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon Rudd £145
California Red 2 Bot 2001 Elevation 1147 Cabernet Sauvignon David Arthur £154
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £64
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £242
California Red 4 Bot 2001 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £242
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £113
California Red 1 Mag 2001 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £193
California Red 2 Bot 2001 Martinelli Vyd. Reserve Pinot Noir Martinelli £64
California Red 4 Bot 2001 Matriarch Proprietary Blend Harlan Estate £106
California Red 2 Bot 2001 Maya Proprietary Blend Dalla Valle £255
California Red 5 Bot 2001 Metisse Proprietary Blend Philippe Melka £70
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Mountaintop Vyd. Vintners Select Merlot Pride Mountain Vineyards £126
California Red 6 Bot 2001 Oakville Estate Proprietary Blend (Nicked Label) Rudd £70
California Red 1 Mag 2001 Paradise Hills Vyd. Merlot Blankiet £161
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Rattlesnake Acres Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £75
California Red 5 Bot 2001 Rattlesnake Hill Cabernet Sauvignon Barnett Vineyards £71
California Red 1 Dmg 2001 Rattlesnake Hill Cabernet Sauvignon Barnett Vineyards £387
California White 5 Bot 2001 Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Aubert £93
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Sacrashe Vyd. Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon Delectus £81
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £126
California White 2 Bot 2001 The Quarry Sonoma County Chardonnay Aubert £83
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £255
California Red 1 Bot 2001 Ventriloquist Proprietary Blend Sine Qua Non £186
California Red 1 Mag 2002 Beckstoffer To Kalon Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Schrader £296
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Bond Melbury Harlan Estate £190
California Red 1 Bot 2002 Bond Vecina Harlan Estate £190
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon Hourglass £154
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon Hourglass £160
California Red 3 Bot 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon Jones Family Vineyard £70
California Red 3 Mag 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon Jones Family Vineyard £148
California Red 4 Case - 12 Bots 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon Groth £252
California Red 3 Bot 2002 Gemstone £96
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Gemstone £119
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Hayne Vyd. Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £68
California Red 1 Bot 2002 Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £290
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £160
California Red 3 Mag 2002 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £274
California Red 1 Mag 2002 Jericho Canyon Vyd. Proprietary Blend Ramey £145
California White 1 Bot 2002 Kistler Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £70
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Moore "Earthquake" Vyd. Zinfandel Turley Wine Cellars £90
California Red 5 Bot 2002 Oakville Estate Proprietary Blend Rudd £70
California Red 1 Mag 2002 Paradise Hills Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Blankiet £242
California Red 1 Mag 2002 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Pride Mountain Vineyards £354
California Red 1 Mag 2002 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Pride Mountain Vineyards £444
California White 4 Bot 2002 Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Aubert £87
California Red 2 Mag 2002 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Caymus £242
California White 1 Bot 2002 The Quarry Sonoma County Chardonnay Aubert £87
California Red 2 Bot 2002 Thorevilos Cabernet Sauvignon Abreu £499
California Red 1 Bot 2002 Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £512
California Red 1 Mag 2003 Beckstoffer To Kalon Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Schrader £212
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Beckstoffer Tokalon Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Behrens & Hitchcock £74
California Red 5 Bot 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon Grace Family Vineyards £177
California Red 1 Mag 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon (Etched Bottle) Barbour Vineyards £257
California Red 5 Bot 2003 Cariad Proprietary Blend Colgin £177
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Claret Robert Foley Vineyards £102
California Red 2 Mag 2003 Claret Robert Foley Vineyards £203
California Red 30 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £439
California Red 2 Mag 2003 Harlan Estate £773
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £242
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £154
California Red 1 Mag 2003 Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon Shafer Vineyards £364
California Red 2 Bot 2003 IX Estate Proprietary Blend Colgin £161
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Kistler Vyd. Pinot Noir Kistler £83
California Red 6 Bot 2003 Madrona Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon Abreu £264
California Red 2 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Merlot Chappellet £172
California Red 8 Bot 2003 Opus One £115
California Red 3 Bot 2003 Paradise Hills Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Blankiet £87
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Peterson Family Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Switchback Ridge £90
California Red 4 Bot 2003 Peterson Family Vyd. Petite Sirah Switchback Ridge £64
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Rothwell Hyde Proprietary Blend Abreu £119
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Sloan £251
California Red 1 Bot 2003 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Kosta Browne £71
California Red 1 Bot 2003 The Maiden Proprietary Blend Harlan Estate £103
California Red 3 Bot 2003 Thorevilos Cabernet Sauvignon Abreu £257
California Red 2 Bot 2003 Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £240
California Red 3 Bot 2003 Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Colgin £209
California Red 2 Bot 2004 Amber Ridge Vyd. Syrah Kosta Browne £83
California Red 1 Mag 2004 Beckstoffer To Kalon Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Schrader £319
California Red 5 Bot 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Grace Family Vineyards £177
California Red 5 Bot 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Quilceda Creek £126
California Red 3 Bot 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Quilceda Creek £160
California Red 40 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £198
California Red 1 Mag 2004 Claret Robert Foley Vineyards £177
California Red 7 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Corley Proprietary Red Wine Monticello Vineyards £238
California Red 6 Bot 2004 Cuvee Catherine Occidental Station Pinot Noir Kistler £119
California Red 2 Mag 2004 Eddie's Patch Syrah DuMol £173
California Red 5 Bot 2004 Eisele Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Araujo Estate £203
California Red 4 Bot 2004 Eisele Vyd. Syrah Araujo Estate £100
California Red 14 Bot 2004 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Chateau Montelena £74
California Red 6 Bot 2004 Harlan Estate £419
California Red 3 Mag 2004 Harlan Estate £950
California Red 10 Bot 2004 Hudson Vyd. Syrah Kongsgaard £96
California Red 6 Bot 2004 IX Estate Proprietary Blend Colgin £242
California Red 6 Bot 2004 IX Estate Proprietary Red Colgin £242
California Red 6 Bot 2004 IX Estate Syrah Colgin £145
California Red 10 Bot 2004 Kistler Vyd. Pinot Noir Kistler £77
California Red 12 Bot 2004 Paradise Hills Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Blankiet £115
California Red 4 Bot 2004 Paradise Hills Vyd. Merlot Blankiet £77
California Red 2 Bot 2004 Peterson Family Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Switchback Ridge £81
California Red 10 Bot 2004 Peterson Family Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Switchback Ridge £90
California Red 24 Bot 2004 Peterson Family Vyd. Petite Sirah Switchback Ridge £77
California Red 6 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Pritchard Hill Cabernet Sauvignon Chappellet £581
California Red 4 Bot 2004 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Pride Mountain Vineyards £106
California Red 1 Mag 2004 Reuling Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Aubert £419
California Red 6 Bot 2004 The Maiden Proprietary Blend Harlan Estate £160
California Red 6 Bot 2004 The Maiden Proprietary Red Harlan Estate £160
California Red 1 Bot 2004 Turley Estate Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £64
California Red 1 Mag 2004 UV Vyd. Pinot Noir Aubert £419
California Red 5 Bot 2005 Blank Cabernet Sauvignon Grace Family Vineyards £83
California Red 1 1ltr 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon Grace Family Vineyards £515
California Red 20 Bot 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon Grace Family Vineyards £193
California Red 12 Bot 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon Kongsgaard £111
California Red 1 Bot 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon Merus £135
California Red 12 Bot 2005 Claret Robert Foley Vineyards £70
California Red 3 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Cuvee Giselle Pinot Noir Lachini Vineyards £275
California White 15 Bot 2005 Dutton Ranch Chardonnay Kistler £64
California Red 24 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Estate Pinot Noir Lachini Vineyards £205
California Red 4 Bot 2005 Hayne Vyd. Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £67
California Red 4 Bot 2005 Hayne Vyd. Zinfandel Turley Wine Cellars £68
California Red 10 Bot 2005 Hudson Vyd. Syrah Kongsgaard £132
California Red 10 Bot 2005 IX Estate Proprietary Blend Colgin £226
California Red 5 Bot 2005 IX Estate Syrah Colgin £177
California Red 4 Bot 2005 Le Moulin Rouge Pinot Noir Peter Michael Winery £100
California White 26 Bot 2005 McCrea Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £64
California Red 6 Bot 2005 Occidental Ridge Vyd. Pinot Noir Rivers Marie £77
California Red 1 Bot 2005 Peterson Family Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Switchback Ridge £83
California Red 14 Bot 2005 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Pride Mountain Vineyards £122
California Red 8 Bot 2005 Reserve Claret Pride Mountain Vineyards £122
California Red 3 Bot 2005 Reuling Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Aubert £145
California Red 2 Mag 2005 Reuling Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Aubert £354
California Red 1 Mag 2005 Russian River Valley Syrah DuMol £122
California Red 14 Case - 12 Bots 2005 S' Pinot Noir Lachini Vineyards £205
California Red 2 Bot 2005 UV Vyd. Pinot Noir Aubert £190
California White 28 Bot 2005 Vine Hill Road Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £64
California White 2 Bot 2006 Lauren Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Aubert £97
California White 2 Mag 2006 Lauren Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Aubert £258
California White 2 Mag 2006 Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Aubert £258
California Red 1 Bot 1990 Rubicon Proprietary Blend Niebaum Coppola £75
California Red 6 Bot 1994 Tre Colline Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Beringer £64
California Red 5 Bot 1995 Limited Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Silverado £81
California Red 1 Bot 1995 The Maiden Proprietary Blend Harlan Estate £106
California Red 1 Bot 1996 Monte Bello Proprietary Blend Ridge Vineyards £97
California Red 1 Bot 1997 Isosceles Proprietary Blend Justin £64
California Red 1 Bot 1999 La Muse Proprietary Blend Verite £70
California Red 2 Bot 1999 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Robert Mondavi £64
California Red 1 Mag 2000 Insignia Proprietary Blend Joseph Phelps £154
California Red 3 Bot 2000 Rattlesnake Acres Petite Sirah Turley Wine Cellars £81
California Red 6 Bot 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon Rudd £70
California White 9 Case - 12 Bots 2003 Chardonnay Mayacamas Vineyards £163
California White 1 Bot 2003 Lauren Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Aubert £90
California White 6 Bot 2003 Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Aubert £90
California White 1 Case - 12 Bots 2004 Chardonnay Oakville Ranch £171
California White 45 Case - 12 Bots 2005 Chardonnay Chateau Montelena £174
California White 3 Bot 2005 Hudson Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £64
California White 1 Bot 2005 Hyde Vyd. Chardonnay Kistler £70
All Wines are offered Ex-London Warehouse, Under Bond, in GBP unless otherwise stated

For a copy of our complete list please contact me:- -

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Or Send a fax to (UK +44) 01494 868 832

- Kind regards,

Chris Davis