March 2011 - The Spaniards who host our website are having problems, so this is our temporary fix. We realise this is not convenient so, if you would like a copy emailed to you in Excel, or any other format, please call me on 01494 86 8818 (044 1494 868 818 from overseas) or send an email to Thank you

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

0Red Bordeaux £-
1Bot1959Ch Haut Brion £1,650
1Bot1961Ch Margaux £950
1Mag1978Ch d'Angludet £50
1Mag1978Ch Lafite £1,150
1Bot1978Ch Palmer £150
3Bot1982Ch Calon Segur £150
6Bot1982Ch Cheval Blanc £710
8Bot1982Ch Cheval Blanc £710
1 Bot1982Ch Ducru Beaucaillou £2,750
2 Bot1982Ch Ducru Beaucaillou £2,750 ib
1 Bot1982Ch Figeac £2,400
6Bot1982Ch Haut Brion £650
1Mag1982Ch Haut-Marbuzet £130
1Bot1982Ch La Mission Haut Brion £875
8Bot1982Ch Lafite £3,750
1 Bot1982Ch Latour £17,500
1 Bot1982Ch Leoville Lascases £3,650
1Bot1982Ch Leoville Lascases £300
8Bot1982Ch Margaux £800
1Bot1982Ch Margaux £800
5Bot1982Ch Montrose £145
3Bot1982Ch Mouton Rothschild £1,210
6Bot1982Ch Mouton Rothschild £900
4 Bot1982Ch Mouton Rothschild £14,500
1Bot1982Ch Petrus £3,000
1Bot1982Ch Pichon Lalande £400
1Bot1982Ch Poujeaux £25
1Bot1982Ch Sociando Mallet £60
1 Bot1982Ch Talbot £1,850
2Bot1983Ch Margaux £400
4Bot1983Ch Margaux £425
2Bot1985Ch Calon Segur £50
1Bot1985Ch Cos d'Estournel £110
1 Bot1985Ch Cos d'Estournel £1,350
6Bot1985Ch Lafite £700
2Bot1985Ch Les Ormes de Pez £25
6Bot1985Ch Margaux £350
5Bot1985Ch Mouton Rothschild £275
1Bot1985Ch Mouton Rothschild £300
6Bot1986Ch Cos d'Estournel £105
1Bot1986Ch La Lagune £40
1 Bot1986Ch La Lagune £495
1 Bot1986Ch Lafite £17,500
5Bot1986Ch Lafite £1,450
6Bot1986Ch Lafite £1,450
3Bot1986Ch Leoville Lascases £235
3Bot1986Ch Lynch Bages £110
1Hlf1986Ch Lynch Bages £40
1 Bot1986Ch Margaux £4,800
1Mag1986Ch Mouton Rothschild £1,450
5Bot1986Ch Mouton Rothschild £720
6Bot1986Ch Mouton Rothschild £710
1Bot1986Ch Pichon Lalande £125
1Hlf1988Ch Climens £80
6Bot1988Ch Lafite £700
6Bot1988Ch Mouton Rothschild £265
1Mag1988Ch Tertre Roteboeuf £160
3Bot1989Ch Climens £55
1Mag1989Ch Fourcas-Hosten £50
2Bot1989Ch Haut Brion £1,000
6Bot1989Ch Haut Brion £1,100
5Bot1989Ch La Mission Haut Brion £700
1 Bot1989Ch Leoville Barton £900
6Bot1989Ch Leoville Lascases £110
1Bot1989Ch Lynch Bages £175
6Bot1989Ch Lynch Bages £175
1Bot1989Ch Palmer £210
1Hlf1989Ch Palmer £100
1 Bot1989Ch Petrus £30,000
1Bot1989Ch Petrus £2,500
11Bot1989Ch Pichon Baron £175
1 Bot1989Ch Pichon Baron £2,100 ib
1Bot1989Ch Pichon Lalande £125
6Bot1989Ch Pichon Lalande £130
1 Bot1989Dame de Montrose £480 ib
1Bot1990Ch Cheval Blanc £800
1Bot1990Ch Cos d'Estournel £150
1Bot1990Ch Cos d'Estournel £130
1Bot1990Ch Gruaud Larose £115
1 Bot1990Ch Haut Brion £6,500 ib
1Bot1990Ch Haut Brion £520
2Bot1990Ch La Mission Haut Brion £300
1Bot1990Ch Lafite £725
3Bot1990Ch Leoville Lascases £250
2Bot1990Ch L'Evangile £250
1Bot1990Ch Montrose £350
4 Bot1990Ch Mouton Rothschild £3,800 ib
10Bot1990Ch Petrus £3,000
3Bot1991Ch Mouton Rothschild £260
3Bot1992Ch Mouton Rothschild £270
4Bot1993Ch Mouton Rothschild £260
1Bot1994Ch Chasse Spleen £20
1Bot1995Ch Lafite £700
2Mag1995Ch Lafite £1,390
4Bot1995Ch Lynch Bages £105
4 Bot1995Ch Lynch Bages £1,250
1Bot1995Ch Petrus £1,250
1 Bot1996Carruades de Lafite £4,070 ib
3Bot1996Ch Beychevelle £76
1 Bot1996Ch Beychevelle £920
1 Bot1996Ch Chasse Spleen £330
3Bot1996Ch Lafite £1,250
1 Bot1996Ch Lafite £15,000 ib
3 Bot1996Ch Latour £8,000 ib
1 Bot1996Ch Lynch Bages £1,250 ib
11Bot1997Ch Chasse Spleen £20
1Bot1997Ch Poujeaux £20
1 Bot1998Ch Cheval Blanc £4,600 ib
7Bot1998Ch Cheval Blanc £450
5 Bot1998Ch Lafite £10,265 ib
1Bot1998Ch Latour £380
6Bot1998Ch Mouton Rothschild £390
3Bot1998Ch Petrus £2,100
1 Bot1998Ch Petrus £25,200
6Bot1999Ch Latour £400
1Bot1999Ch Petrus £1,000
1 Bot2000Carruades de Lafite £4,405 ib
3Bot2000Ch Ausone £1,500
3 Bot2000Ch Lafite £23,400 ib
3Bot2000Ch Latour £900
1 Bot2000Ch Lynch Bages £1,850 ib
7Bot2000Ch Margaux £750
2 Bot2000Ch Palmer £2,200
6Bot2000Ch Petrus £2,800
16 Bot2000Ch Quinault l'Enclos £410 ib
41 Bot2001Ch Quinault l'Enclos £270 ib
1 Bot2002Ch Ausone £4,800 ib
1Bot2002Ch Batailley £25
1 Bot2002Ch Lafite £8,350 ib
1 Bot2002Ch Margaux £4,200 ib
15 Bot2002Ch Quinault l'Enclos £270 ib
6Bot2003Ch Duhart Milon £100
1 Bot2003Ch Giscours £395 ib
7Bot2003Ch Lafite £1,125
10Bot2003Ch Lafite £1,150
5 Bot2003Ch Laroque £275 ib
1 Bot2003Ch Latour £9,600
3Bot2003Ch Latour £800
1 Mag2003Ch Latour £10,000 ib
1Bot2003Ch Margaux £550
1 Bot2003Pavillon Rouge £1,650 ib
1 Bot2004Ch Chasse Spleen £200
1Bot2004Ch Duhart Milon £100
2Bot2004Ch Lafleur £300
1 Bot2004Forts de Latour £2,450
8Bot2005Ch Ausone £2,000
1 Bot2005Ch Cheval Blanc £6,000 ib
1 Bot2005Ch Cissac £185
1 Bot2005Ch Ducru Beaucaillou £1,500
4Mag2005Ch Duhart Milon £190
1 Bot2005Ch Fourcas Dupre £120
9Bot2005Ch Haut Brion £550
1 Bot2005Ch Haut Brion £6,650
1 Bot2005Ch Haut Brion £6,650 ib
1 Bot2005Ch La Mission Haut Brion £5,000 ib
11 Bot2005Ch La Tour Carnet £295 ib
9Bot2005Ch Latour £800
1 Bot2005Ch Margaux £8,000 ib
1 Bot2005Ch Margaux £8,000
11Bot2005Ch Margaux £700
3 Mag2005Ch Mouton Rothschild £5,400 ib
2 Bot2005Ch Mouton Rothschild £5,800 ib
6Bot2005Ch Petrus £2,500 ib
5 Bot2005Le Dome £1,550 ib
8 Bot2006Ch Branaire Ducru £360 ib
10Bot2006Ch Duhart Milon £100
1 Bot2006Ch Lafite £8,800
2Mag2006Ch Lafite £1,465
2 Bot2006Ch Lafite £8,800
7 Bot2006Ch Langoa Barton £355 ib
1 Mag2006Ch Latour £5,200 ib
3Bot2006Ch Le Pin £950 ib
2 Bot2006Ch Mouton Rothschild £5,800
25 Bot2006Ch Quinault l'Enclos £240 ib
1 Bot2007Ch Grand Puy Lacoste £320 ib
1 Bot2007Ch Lafite £8,000 ib
1 Bot2007Ch Lafleur £2,925 ib
8 Bot2007Ch Leoville Barton £400 ib
2 Bot2008Ch Mouton Rothschild £9,000 ib
6 Bot2008Domaine de Chevalier Rouge £315 ib
1 Bot2009Ch Ausone £13,535 ib
3 Bot2009Ch Cantemerle £240 ib
1 Bot2009Ch Giscours £425 ib
10 Bot2009Ch Grand Puy Lacoste £570 ib
2 Bot2009Ch Lafleur £9,950 ib
1 Bot2009Ch Lagrange £420 ib
1 Bot2009Ch Leoville Barton £950 ib
5 Bot2009Ch Lynch Bages £1,200 ib
2 Bot2009Ch Mouton Rothschild £7,800 ib
1 Bot2009Ch Petrus £30,000 ib
13 Bot2009Ch Pontet Canet £1,200 ib
0Sauternes & White Bordeaux £-
3Hlf1983Ch Rieussec £30
1Bot1989Rieussec £50
5Hlf2003Ch Coutet £15
5Hlf2003Ch La Tour Blanche £15
5Hlf2003Ch Suduiraut £20
15 Bot2005Ch d'Yquem £3,705 ib
1 Bot2005Ch d'Yquem £3,770 ib
3 Bot2009Ch Rieussec £575 ib
0Vintage Port £-
3Bot1955Taylor £2,400
2 Bot1963Fonseca £1,750
1 Mag1977Fonseca £1,200
1Bot1980Quarles Harris £30
1Bot1983Fonseca £35
3Bot1983Warre £30
15 Bot1985Quinta do Noval £320
1Hlf1991Warre £15
5 Bot1996Quinta do Vesuvio £275 ib
1 Bot1997PortPrimo Palatum £200 ib
1Bot Dalva - 10 years oldBottled 1989 £5
0Madeira £-
2Bot1790MadeiraSilvano de Freitas Branco £2,025
2Bot1790SercialAraujo Family £2,425
1Bot1795MessiasFerraz £3,315
1Bot1795Sercial JRTJose Ruffino Teixera £2,525
1Bot1800Sercial ChermentWelsh £1,390
2Bot1808Solera MadeiraLeacock £615
1Bot1810SercialBorges Family £1,025
1Bot1812R 3 - ReservaWelsh £1,090
2Bot1815Camara de LobosAraujo Family £1,020
2Bot1815SercialAraujo Family £1,020
1Bot1815Solera BualHarvey £790
1Bot1820Solera BualLomelino £500
2Bot1822Solera MadeiraCossart £465
1Bot1825Solera Bual £395
1Bot1826Solera BualBlandy £335
2Bot1835Solera SercialBlandy £235
1Bot1836Madeira Secco Reserve £440
1Bot1840Finest BualRutherford & Miles £325
1Bot1842SoleraCossart £490
1Bot1850Verdelho ReservaPereira dOliveira £730
2Bot1853Solera MalmseyLomelino £260
1Bot1860circa Bual Camara do LobosHerdade de Francisco E Henr £660
1Bot1860Sercialfrom Balthazar Goncalves £575
3Bot1860Solera SercialCossart £240
1Bot1862Sercial ReservaPereira dOliveira £695
1Bot1863BoalBlandy £410
1Bot1863Bual MBVBarbeito family £400
1Bot1863Solera MalmseyBerry Bros £345
2Bot1864Solera Gran Cama do LobosBlandy £325
1Bot1865Solera MalmseyHarvey £290
1Bot1868SoleraCossart £315
1Bot1869BualBlandy £800
1Bot1869MalvaziaLeacock £710
2Bot1870Sercial RVBarbeito £420
4Bot1870Solera VerdelhoBlandy £360
1Bot1871Solera BualCossart £315
1Bot1874BualBlandy £765
1Bot1874SercialSilvestre £570
1Bot1874VerdelhoBorges £560
1Bot1875Moscatel ReservaPereira dOliveira £700
1Bot1875Sercial ReservaPereira dOliveira £700
1Bot1875Solera VerdelhoBarbeito £235
1Bot1878Solera BualRutherford & Miles £215
2Bot1880Madeira Velhissima ReservaFerraz £645
2Bot1880MalvaziaCompania Vinicola de Madeir £560
1Bot1880Terrantez ReservaPereira dOliveira £700
1Bot1882BualLomelino £565
1Bot1882Verdelho AO-SMAnibal dOliveira £540
1Bot1883BualOscar Acciaioly £435
1Bot1883Tinta £675
1Bot1884Campanario £550
2Bot1885VerdelhoBarbeito £340
2Bot1890Verdelho ReservaPereira dOliveira £565
4Bot1891SercialAraujo de Barros £565
1Bot1892SercialLeacock £490
2Bot1896HFS Leacock CollectionLeacock £295
1Bot1898SercialBlandy £390
1Bot1900M £500
1Bot1900MalvasiaBarbeito £385
2Bot1900Moscatel(Leacock) £440
6Bot1900Solera MalmseyHenriques £370
1Bot1902VerdelhoBarbeito £375
2Bot1903Bual ReservaPereira dOliveira £490
2Bot1905MalvaziaBarbeito £350
1Bot1905Malvazia ReservaPereira dOliveira £540
1Bot1905SercialCossart £365
3Bot1905VerdelhoPereira dOliveira £260
1Bot1906MalvaziaLeacock £475
2Bot1907Malvazia ReservaPereira dOliveira £390
4Bot1908BualPereira dOliveira £235
4Bot1908BualPereira dOliveira £235
1Bot1908Verdelho MBVBarbeito family £275
2Bot1910SercialBlandy £380
2Bot1910SercialLomelino £390
2Bot1912Solera VerdelhoCandido da Silva £115
2Bot1913MalvaziaBarbeito £270
1Bot1914Malvazia MBVBarbeito family £250
3Bot1915BualLMR £265
1Bot1915Solera VerdehoHMBorges £215
2Bot1916MalvaziaBarbeito £250
1Bot1917Sercial MBVBarbeito family £220
12Bot1920BualBlandy £295
3Bot1922BualPereira dOliveira £215
1Bot1922Bual ReservaPereira dOliveira £280
1Bot1924VerdelhoBarbeito £190
1Bot1926Solera MalmseyCossart £190
4Bot1927BastardoPereira dOliveira £235
1Bot1928Verdelho EELEdmund Erskine Leacock £300
2Bot1929Verdelho MBVBarbeito family £185
1Bot1930Bual MBVBarbeito family £210
1Bot1931Sercial MBVBarbeito family £165
1Bot1933MalvaziaBarbeito £185
1Bot1934BualLeacock £240
2Bot1934SJ - St John VineyardLeacock £225
1Bot1935SercialBarbeito £170
1Bot1936Bual MBVBarbeito family £190
3Bot1937SercialPereira dOliveira £155
1Bot1940Bual MBVBarbeito family £180
2Bot1940SercialJustino Henriques £200
9Bot1940SercialBlandy £190
1Bot1940Solera ReservaVeiga Franca £115
1Bot1944Malvazia MBVBarbeito family £170
1Bot1946BualBarbeito £165
1Bot1946Malvazia MBVBarbeito family £175
1Bot1947VerdelhoBarbeito £185
2Bot1949Malvazia MBVBarbeito family £175
3Bot1950MalvaziaBarbeito £195
11Bot1950SercialLeacock £145
2Bot1951Sercial MBVBarbeito family £170
2Bot1952MalmseyLeacock £210
3Bot1952VerdelhoPower £185
1Bot1953Bual MBVBarbeito family £170
3Bot1954BastardoBlandy £145
2Bot1955Bual MBVBarbeito family £140
1Bot1956SercialBarbeito £145
2Bot1957BualBarbeito £160
2Bot1957Solera - Old Wine MadeiraPereira dOliveira £150
5Bot1958BualBlandy £195
3Bot1958BualBarbeito £145
6Bot1958MalvaziaBarbeito £160
10Bot1959BualBlandy £130
3Bot1959SercialLeacock £190
2Bot1960Bual MBVBarbeito family £140
4Bot1960SercialCossart Gordon £125
1Bot1962Malvazia MBVBarbeito family £115
2Bot1962SercialBlandy £160
1Bot1962Verdelho MBVBarbeito family £135
1Bot1963BualBlandy £125
4Bot1963SercialLeacock £125
3Bot1964BualCVM £120
3Bot1964BualBlandy £160
3Bot1964MalmseyBlandy £150
1Bot1965Verdelho MBVBarbeito family £135
6Bot1966BualLeacock £165
2Bot1966Malvasia £100
10Bot1966SercialBlandy £105
6Bot1966VerdelhoPereira dOliveira £85
3Bot1968BualBlandy £150
3Bot1968BualBarbeito £130
11Bot1968VerdelhoBlandy £140
11Bot1968VerdelhoBlandy £95
4Bot1969BualCossart £155
2Bot1969SercialBlandy £145
7Bot1969SercialLeacock £105
1Bot1969TerrantezMiles £225
1Bot1970Bual MBVBarbeito family £135
2Bot1971BualBlandy £115
11Bot1971SercialPereira dOliveira £75
1Bot1971SercialCossart £115
1Bot1972Malvazia MBVBarbeito family £105
1Bot1973Bual ReservaPereira dOliveira £140
6Bot1973VerdelhoLeacock £125
1Bot1974SercialBlandy £90
1Bot1974TerrantezCossart £200
1Bot1974Verdelho MBVBarbeito family £95
2Bot1975MalmseyBlandy £140
1Bot1975Malvazia MBVBarbeito family £100
2Bot1975TerrantezBlandy £170
3Bot1975VerdelhoCossart £130
3Bot1976BualCossart £170
2Bot1976MalmseyBlandy £170
1Bot1976TerrantezBlandy £120
6Bot1977BualBlandy £115
3Bot1977Bual ReservaPereira dOliveira £110
18Bot1977TerrantezPereira dOliveira £80
3Bot1977VerdelhoBlandy £120
3Bot1978Bual ReservaPereira dOliveira £95
15Bot1980BualBlandy £90
1Bot1983Bual ReservaPereira dOliveira £125
12Bot1985MalvasiaBlandy £100
8Bot Bual Reserva VelhaReserve of Mr M Jardim £415
2Bot Duo Centenary Bual - 1745-1945 £225
0Red Burgundy £-
1Bot1954Romanee ContiDRC £4,950
1Bot1959Grands EchezeauxDRC £950
1Bot1959Grands EchezeauxDRC £850
1Bot1959La TacheDRC £3,750
12Bot1961Romanee ContiDRC £4,600
1Bot1962La TacheDRC £8,500
1Bot1962RichebourgDRC £3,300
1Bot1964La TacheDRC £1,200
1Bot1964Romanee ContiDRC £5,100
1Bot1966Romanee ContiDRC £5,600
3Bot1969Bonnes MaresClair Dau £1,100
1Mag1969La TacheDRC £2,800
1Bot1969Romanee ContiDRC £5,500
1Bot1971Romanee ContiDRC £9,000
1Bot1972La TacheDRC £985
3Bot1972RichebourgDRC £750
2Bot1972RichebourgDRC £750
1Bot1976Grands EchezeauxDRC £490
2Bot1976La TacheDRC £900
2Bot1976Romanee ContiDRC £5,650
5Bot1976Romanee ContiDRC £5,700
3Bot1978RichebourgDRC £1,850
5Bot1978Romanee ContiDRC £9,800
1Bot1980La TacheDRC £1,200
1Bot1982La TacheDRC £750
1Bot1982Romanee St VivantDRC £520
1Bot1983Grands EchezeauxDRC £510
1Bot1983RichebourgDRC £680
1Mag1985Chassagne MontrachetAlbert Morey £30
1Bot1985La TacheDRC £2,400
1Bot1985La TacheDRC £2,500
1Bot1985RichebourgDRC £1,950
1Bot1985Romanee St VivantDRC £900
1Bot1986EchezeauxDRC £360
1Bot1986La TacheDRC £865
3Bot1986La TacheDRC £880
1Bot1986RichebourgDRC £750
1Bot1986Romanee ContiDRC £5,500
24Bot1986Romanee St VivantDRC £495
2Bot1986Romanee St VivantDRC £480
3Bot1987La TacheDRC £850
1Bot1987RichebourgDRC £720
1Bot1987Romanee ContiDRC £5,500
1Bot1987Romanee St VivantDRC £540
3Bot1987Romanee St VivantDRC £460
2Bot1988EchezeauxDRC £480
2Bot1988Grands EchezeauxDRC £575
2Bot1988La TacheDRC £1,100
7Bot1988La TacheDRC £1,100
11Bot1988Musignyde Vogue £330
3Bot1988Romanee ContiDRC £6,000
1Bot1988Romanee St VivantDRC £595
1Bot1989Bonnes MaresF Mugnier £200
1Bot1989Grands EchezeauxDRC £640
1Bot1989Grands EchezeauxDRC £650
2Bot1989La TacheDRC £1,100
6Bot1989Musignyde Vogue £350
2Bot1989MusignyF Mugnier £500
1Bot1989RichebourgDRC £860
1Bot1989RichebourgDRC £860
2Bot1989RichebourgDRC £800
3Bot1989Romanee ContiDRC £6,000
7Bot1989Romanee St VivantDRC £660
1Bot1989Romanee St VivantDRC £660
1Bot1990EchezeauxDRC £685
1Bot1990Romanee St VivantDRC £900
1Mag1990Romanee St VivantDRC £1,850
3Bot1991La TacheDRC £2,100
1Bot1991RichebourgDRC £820
1Bot1992La TacheDRC £650
1Bot1992RichebourgDRC £550
1Bot1993Romanee ContiDRC £6,000
1Bot1994RichebourgDRC £595
1 cs1995AssortmentDRC £18,500 ib
1Bot1995Grands EchezeauxDRC £550
3Bot1995Grands EchezeauxDRC £480
4Bot1995La TacheDRC £1,250
1 Bot1995La TacheDRC £15,000
1Bot1995RichebourgDRC £900
3Bot1995RichebourgDRC £900
5Bot1995Romanee ContiDRC £6,900
2Bot1995Romanee St VivantDRC £550
6Bot1996Beaune - Clos des MouchesDrouhin £50
1 Bot1996Clos de la RocheDujac £2,400
1Bot1996Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St JacquesRousseau £270
3Bot1996La TacheDRC £1,500
3Bot1996Pommard - EpenotsJadot £32
3Bot1996RichebourgDRC £960
3Bot1996RichebourgDRC £960
11Bot1996RichebourgDRC £1,000
1Bot1996Romanee ContiDRC £7,200
5Bot1996Savigny-les-BeauneChampy £15
1 Bot1997ChambertinRousseau £4,300 ib
6Bot1997Chambertin - Clos de BezeRousseau £350 ib
2Bot1997Grands EchezeauxDRC £520
4Bot1997RichebourgDRC £640
4Bot1997Romanee St VivantDRC £420
1Bot1998Bonnes MaresF Mugnier £150
5Bot1998Charmes ChambertinDugat-Py £200
2Bot1998EchezeauxDRC £360
12Bot1998Grands EchezeauxDRC £525
5Bot1998La TacheDRC £880
5Bot1998RichebourgDRC £550
6Bot1998Romanee ContiDRC £5,950
1Mag1998Romanee St VivantDRC £960
1Bot1998Romanee St VivantDRC £550
6Bot1999ChambertinRousseau £620
6Bot1999Grands EchezeauxDRC £780
1 Bot1999La TacheDRC £27,600
1Bot1999La TacheDRC £2,300
1 Bot1999RichebourgDRC £19,800
1Bot1999RichebourgDRC £1,650
2Bot1999Romanee St VivantDRC £650
2Bot1999Romanee St VivantDRC £650
1Mag1999Romanee St VivantDRC £1,300
9Bot1999Vosne Romanee - 1er CruDRC £395
11Bot1999Vosne Romanee - 1er CruDRC £385
1Bot2000Grands EchezeauxDRC £460
1Bot2000La TacheDRC £1,000
9Bot2000La TacheDRC £1,000
3Mag2000La TacheDRC £2,000
10Bot2000RichebourgDRC £620
1Mag2000Romanee ContiDRC £11,000
4Bot2000Romanee St VivantDRC £425
1Bot2001Chambertin - Clos de BezeRousseau £295
3Bot2001Clos de la RocheLeroy £350
3Bot2001Clos VougeotLeroy £350
1Bot2001EchezeauxDRC £380
3Bot2001Grands EchezeauxDRC £495
1Bot2001La TacheDRC £1,000
2Mag2001RichebourgDRC £1,595
3Bot2001RichebourgLeroy £525
1Bot2001Romanee ContiDRC £4,950
8Bot2001Romanee ContiDRC £5,500
1Bot2001Romanee St VivantDRC £550
7Bot2001Romanee St VivantDRC £550
3Bot2001Vosne Romanee - BeaumontsLeroy £300
3Bot2002Clos VougeotLeroy £480
6Bot2002EchezeauxDRC £420
4Bot2002Grands EchezeauxDRC £450
2Mag2002Grands EchezeauxDRC £990
6Bot2002Grands EchezeauxDRC £480
7Bot2002La TacheDRC £1,350
6Bot2002Mazis ChambertinRoty £155
1Bot2002MusignyRoumier £1,600
1Bot2002RichebourgDRC £950
5Bot2002RichebourgDRC £950
1Bot2002RichebourgDRC £950
4Bot2002RichebourgDRC £950
1 Bot2002RichebourgDRC £11,400
1Mag2002Romanee ContiDRC £14,500
1Bot2002Romanee ContiDRC £5,950
6Bot2002Romanee St VivantDRC £575
1Bot2002Romanee St VivantDRC £575
1 Bot2002Romanee St VivantDRC £6,900
1Bot2002Romanee St VivantDRC £575
4 Bot2002Volnay - FremietsAngerville £375 ib
1Bot2002Vosne Romanee - 1er CruDRC £380
3Bot2002Vosne Romanee - BeaumontsLeroy £350
3Bot2002Vosne Romanee - GenaivieresLeroy £200
6Bot2003Bonnes Maresde Vogue £150 ib
2Bot2003ChambertinRousseau £350
2Bot2003Chambertin - Clos de BezeRousseau £350
4 Bot2003Charmes Chambertin TVVRoty £1,500 ib
6Bot2003Clos de la RocheRousseau £70
7Bot2003EchezeauxDRC £395
1Bot2003Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St JacquesRousseau £200
2Bot2003Grands EchezeauxDRC £550
3Mag2003Grands EchezeauxDRC £1,350
1Mag2003Grands EchezeauxDRC £1,350
2Bot2003Griottes ChambertinDugat £450
12Bot2003La TacheDRC £1,450
4Bot2003La TacheDRC £1,450
5Bot2003Mazis ChambertinRoty £125
1 Bot2003Moulin a Vent - Ch de JacquesJadot £150
8 Bot2003Nuits Saint GeorgesConfuron-Cotetidot £320 ib
5 Bot2003Pernand - Ile VergelessesChandon Briailles £230 ib
5Bot2003RichebourgDRC £850
13Bot2003RichebourgDRC £850
26Bot2003Romanee St VivantDRC £575
1Bot2003Romanee St VivantDRC £560
2Bot2003Romanee St VivantDRC £560
6Bot2004Bonnes Maresde Vogue £150 ib
1Bot2004Grands EchezeauxDRC £350
1 Bot2004La TacheDRC £9,000
1Bot2004La TacheDRC £750
4Bot2004RichebourgDRC £575
1Bot2004Romanee ContiDRC £5,200
11Bot2004Romanee St VivantDRC £420
6 Bot2005Beaune - TeuronsRossignol-Trapet £255 ib
6Bot2005Bonnes MaresRoumier £4,350
4Bot2005Chambertin - Clos de BezeRousseau £700
2Bot2005Charmes ChambertinDujac £230
2 Bot2005Charmes ChambertinRousseau £2,040 ib
3Bot2005Charmes ChambertinRousseau £170
1Mag2005Clos VougeotMugneret G £550
6 Bot2005Corton Les MarechaudesChandon de Briailles £360 ib
10Bot2005EchezeauxDRC £495
5Bot2005EchezeauxDRC £495
1Mag2005EchezeauxMugneret-Gibourg £520
1 Bot2005Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St JacquesRousseau £4,200 ib
3Bot2005Grands EchezeauxDRC £750
5Bot2005Grands EchezeauxDRC £750
8Bot2005Grands EchezeauxDRC £750
2Bot2005La TacheDRC £2,450
7Bot2005La TacheDRC £2,450
1Bot2005La TacheDRC £2,450
4Bot2005La TacheDRC £2,450
4Bot2005La TacheDRC £2,500
10Bot2005Musignyde Vogue £760
11 Bot2005Nuits Saint GeorgesBertrand Ambroise £250 ib
21 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - ArgillieresAmbroise £365 ib
14 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - ChaignotsHenri Gouges £435 ib
16 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - Clos des PorretsGouges £470 ib
17 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - En Rue de ChauxAmbroise £320 ib
25 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - Les CrasBertrand Ambroise £315 ib
20 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - Les DidiersB. Ambroise £315 ib
6 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - VaucrainsBertrand Ambroise £375 ib
8 Bot2005Nuits Saint Georges - Vieilles VignesBertrand Ambroise £305 ib
2 Bot2005Nuits St Georges - Clos des Foretsl'Arlot £520 ib
1Bot2005RichebourgDRC £1,450
2Bot2005RichebourgDRC £1,450
5Bot2005RichebourgDRC £1,450
12Bot2005RichebourgDRC £1,450
4Bot2005RichebourgDRC £1,450
10Bot2005RichebourgDRC £1,450
6Bot2005RichebourgClos Frantin £150
1 Bot2005RichebourgDRC £17,400 ib
1Mag2005RichebourgDRC £3,800
1 Bot2005Romanee St VivantDRC £11,520 ib
1Mag2005Romanee St VivantDRC £2,100
2Bot2005Romanee St VivantArnoux £450
1 Bot2005Romanee St VivantDRC £11,520
1Mag2005Ruchottes ChambertinMugneret G £595
5 Bot2005Vosne RomaneeSuchots Jacques Cacheux £480 ib
6 Bot2005Vosne Romanee - La Croix RameauJacques Cacheux £565 ib
18 Bot2005Vougeot les CrasBertrand Ambroise £385 ib
5 Bot2006Beaune Greves- Vigne de l'Enfant JesusBouchard £600 ib
1Bot2006Chambertin - Vieilles VignesPerrot-Minot £115
4 Bot2006Chambolle MusignyAmiot-Servelle £275 ib
6Bot2006Chapelle Chambertin VVPerrot-Minot £95
1 Bot2006Charmes ChambertinLe Moine £960
2Bot2006Charmes ChambertinRousseau £95
6Bot2006Charmes Chambertin VVPerrot-Minot £90
2 Bot2006Clos de la RochePonsot £1,800 ib
6Bot2006Clos de la RocheRousseau £90
1 Bot2006Clos de la RocheLe Moine £900
1Bot2006Clos VougeotMeo-Camuzet £110
27 Bot2006Gevrey ChambertinRossignol-Trapet £220 ib
36Bot2006Grands EchezeauxDRC £470
8Bot2006Grands EchezeauxDRC £440
3Bot2006La TacheDRC £880
5Bot2006Mazis ChambertinLe Moine £100
20 Bot2006Morey St Denis - Rue de VergyPerrot-Minot £325 ib
1Bot2006MusignyRoumier £1,200
15 Bot2006Nuits Saint GeorgesBertrand Ambroise £205 ib
6 Bot2006Nuits Saint GeorgesHenri Gouges £250 ib
10 Bot2006Nuits Saint Georges - ChaignotsHenri Gouges £350 ib
7 Bot2006Nuits Saint Georges - Clos des PorretsGouges £360 ib
7 Bot2006Nuits Saint Georges - PruliersHenri Gouges £385 ib
1 Bot2006Nuits St Georges - RichemonePerrot-Minot £770 ib
4Bot2006Nuits St Georges - Richemone ULTRA VVPerrot-Minot £110
1 Bot2006Nuits St Georges - Richemone VVPerrot-Minot £900
1 Bot2006Nuits St Georges - VaucrainsLe Moine £600
3Bot2006RichebourgDRC £575
1Bot2006Romanee ContiDRC £5,500
4Bot2006Romanee St VivantDRC £570
7Bot2006Romanee St VivantDRC £575
8Bot2006Romanee St VivantDRC £570
1Bot2006Romanee St VivantDRC £595
4 Bot2006Volnay - ChampansAngerville £430 ib
1Bot2006Vosne Romanee - 1er CruDRC £295
1Bot2006Vosne Romanee - 1er CruDRC £295
1 Bot2006Vosne Romanee - Beaux Monts VVPerrot-Minot £900
5 Bot2006Vosne Romanee - Hautes MaizieresArnoux £455 ib
1Bot2006Vosne Romanee - SuchotsLe Moine £60
3 Bot2007Beaune Clos des AvauxLe Moine £510 ib
2 Bot2007Beaune Les ReverseesLe Moine £490 ib
9Bot2007Chambertin - Clos de BezePerrot-Minot £175 ib
3Bot2007Chambertin - Vieilles VignesPerrot-Minot £175 ib
2 Bot2007Chambolle MusignyArnoux £525 ib
14 Bot2007Chambolle MusignyAmiot-Servelle £275 ib
3 Bot2007Chambolle Musigny - Aux EchangesPerrot-Minot £985 ib
9Bot2007Chapelle ChambertinPerrot-Minot £145 ib
1 Bot2007Charmes ChambertinLe Moine £1,175 ib
2 Bot2007Corton BressandesLe Moine £690 ib
2Bot2007EchezeauxDRC £320
2 Bot2007EchezeauxArnoux £1,315 ib
3 Bot2007Gevrey Chambertin - PerrieresPerrot-Minot £815 ib
4Bot2007Grands EchezeauxDRC £440
5Bot2007Grands EchezeauxDRC £450
9Bot2007Grands EchezeauxDRC £440
11Bot2007Grands EchezeauxDRC £450
1Bot2007La TacheDRC £780
11Bot2007La TacheDRC £780
3 Bot2007Morey St Denis - Clos des OrmesLe Moine £520 ib
2 Bot2007Morey St Denis - RiottePerrot-Minot £830 ib
10 Bot2007Morey St Denis - Rue de VergyPerrot-Minot £430 ib
5Bot2007Morey St Denis, Clos BussiereRoumier £50
10 Bot2007Nuits Saint GeorgesHenri Gouges £255 ib
10 Bot2007Nuits St Georges - Clos des PorretsHenri Gouges £370 ib
2 Bot2007Nuits St Georges - Les ProcesArnoux £690 ib
3 Bot2007Nuits St Georges - RichemonePerrot-Minot £970 ib
2 Bot2007Pommard Les EpenotsLe Moine £635 ib
8Bot2007RichebourgDRC £595
1Mag2007RichebourgDRC £1,300
3Bot2007RichebourgDRC £600
10Bot2007Romanee St VivantDRC £575
7Bot2007Romanee St VivantDRC £575
1Mag2007Romanee St VivantDRC £1,250
1 Bot2007Romanee St VivantDRC £6,900 ib
10Bot2007Romanee St VivantDRC £595
14Bot2007Romanee St VivantArnoux £280 ib
2 Bot2007Volnay Clos des ChenesLe Moine £550 ib
2 Bot2007Vosne RomaneeArnoux £525 ib
1 Bot2007Vosne Romanee - Aux ReignotsArnoux £1,075 ib
2 Bot2007Vosne Romanee - Beaux MontsPerrot-Minot £995 ib
12Bot2007Vosne Romanee - Hautes MaizieresArnoux £500 ib
2 Bot2007Vosne Romanee - SuchotsArnoux £1,370 ib
6Bot2008Bonnes Maresde Vogue £225
15 Bot2008Chambolle MusignyAmiot-Servelle £275 ib
3Bot2008Chambolle Musignyde Vogue £60
6Bot2008Chambolle Musigny - 1er Crude Vogue £95
6 Bot2008Gevrey Chambertin - Petite ChapelleRossignol £380 ib
5 Bot2008Nuits Saint Georgesdes Perdrix £265 ib
9 Bot2008Nuits St Georges - Clos des PorretsGouges £370 ib
6Bot2009Bonnes Maresde Vogue £350
19 Bot2009Chambolle MusignyAmiot-Servelle £320 ib
6Bot2009Chambolle Musignyde Vogue £85
6Bot2009Chambolle Musigny - 1er Crude Vogue £150
16 Bot2009Chambolle Musigny- CharmesAmiot-Servelle £460 ib
10 Bot2009Chambolle Musigny- Les PlantesAmiot-Servelle £395 ib
9Bot2009Chapelle Chambertin VVPerrot-Minot £175 ib
8Bot2009Charmes ChambertinPerrot-Minot £165 ib
19 Bot2009Corton Le RognetBertrand Ambroise £435 ib
9Bot2009Mazoyeres ChambertinPerrot-Minot £185 ib
6Bot2009Musignyde Vogue £650
144 Bot2009Nuits Saint GeorgesBertrand Ambroise £225 ib
25 Bot2009Nuits St Georges - Rue de ChauxAmbroise £320 ib
16 Bot2009Nuits St Georges - VaucrainsAmbroise £370 ib
15 Bot2009Vosne-RomaneeBertrand Ambroise £255 ib
17 Bot2009Vougeot - Les CrasBertrand Ambroise £400 ib
0White Burgundy £-
1Bot1973MontrachetDRC £2,750
6Bot1981MontrachetDRC £2,100
4Bot1982Batard MontrachetR & L Lequin £65
1Mag1983MontrachetDRC £7,600
1Bot1988MontrachetDRC £2,500
7Bot1988MontrachetDRC £2,500
1Bot1990MontrachetDRC £2,900
2Bot1991MontrachetDRC £1,850
1Bot1996MontrachetJadot £300
1Bot1996Puligny Montrachet - PucellesLeflaive £125
1 Bot1999MeursaultLafon £820 ib
5Bot1999MontrachetDRC £2,100
2Bot2000Batard MontrachetSauzet £125
6Bot2001MontrachetDRC £2,400
1Bot2001MontrachetDRC £1,650
6Bot2002Chevalier MontrachetLeflaive £350
1 Bot2002Chevalier MontrachetLeflaive £4,200 ib
2Bot2002Corton CharlemagneJadot £80
3Bot2002MontrachetDRC £2,650
2Bot2002MontrachetDRC £2,700
2Bot2002MontrachetJadot £250
1Bot2003MontrachetDRC £2,100
1 Bot2005Bienvenues Batard MontrachetLeflaive £2,280 ib
29 Bot2005Chassagne Montrachet - Champs GainJouard £305 ib
13 Bot2005Chassagne Montrachet - MaltroieJouard £315 ib
6Bot2005MontrachetDRC £2,500
1Bot2005MontrachetDRC £2,500
1Bot2005MontrachetDRC £2,500
5Bot2005MontrachetDRC £2,650
5 Bot2005Pouilly-Fuisse - AmpelopsisSaumaize-Michelin £240 ib
1 Bot2005Puligny Montrachet - ClavoillonsLeflaive £760 ib
3Bot2005Puligny Montrachet - FolatieresLeflaive £105
1Bot2006Batard MontrachetLeflaive £180
1Bot2006Bienvenues Batard MontrachetLeflaive £160
21 Bot2006Chassagne Montrachet - ChenevottesPillot £335 ib
4 Bot2006Meursault - Poruzots Vieilles VignesGirardin £355 ib
2Bot2006MontrachetDRC £2,300
6Bot2006Puligny Montrachet - PucellesLeflaive £100
7 Bot2007Chassagne MontrachetLouis Carillon & Fils £310 ib
8 Bot2007Chassagne Montrachet - Les ChaumeesJouard £295 ib
10 Bot2007Chassagne Montrachet - Vieilles VignesVincent Girardin £210 ib
1 Bot2007Chassagne Montrachet Grandes RuchottesLe Moine £805
11 Bot2007Meursault - En L'OrmeauBoyer-Martenot £210 ib
1Bot2007MontrachetDRC £1,650
3 Bot2007Puligny Montrachet - EnseigneresLe Moine £415 ib
35 Bot2008Chassagne MontrachetJean-Marc Pillot £245 ib
9 Bot2008Chassagne MontrachetLouis Carillon & Fils £310 ib
20 Bot2008Chassagne Montrachet - MorgeotJouard £285 ib
37 Bot2008Meursault - Les Grands CharronsMichel Bouzereau et fils £220 ib
11 Bot2008Meursault - Les NarvauxYves Boyer-Martenot £220 ib
54 Bot2008Puligny MontrachetLouis Carillon et fils £310 ib
6 Bot2008Puligny Montrachet - Champ CanetLouis Carillon £470 ib
4 Bot2008Puligny Montrachet - Champs GainsM. Bouzereau £360 ib
5 Bot2008Puligny Montrachet - Les ReuchauxYves Boyer-Martenot £210 ib
12 Bot2008Puligny Montrachet - PerrieresLouis Carillon £490 ib
4 Bot2008Puligny Montrachet - Vieilles VignesVincent Girardin £230 ib
5 Bot2009Chassagne Montrachet - MaltroieJouard £295 ib
16 Bot2009Chassagne Montrachet Vieilles VignesJouard £215 ib
7 Bot2009Corton CharlemagneBertrand Ambroise £480 ib
7 Bot2009Meursault - Les NarvauxYves Boyer-Martenot £225 ib
9 Bot2009Meursault - L'OrmeauYves Boyer-Martenot £220 ib
6 Bot2009Puligny Montrachet - Les ReuchauxYves Boyer-Martenot £245 ib
0Rhones £-
1Bot1976Cote RotieDelapine £20
6Bot1978HermitageChave £595
1Bot1983Ch de Beaucastel £85
1Bot1983Crozes-Hermitage - ThalabertJaboulet £20
1Bot1985Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £680
1Bot1986Ch de Beaucastel £35
1Bot1988Cote RotieChampet £25
1Bot1988Cote Rotie - Brune et BlondeGuigal £40
1Bot1988Crozes-Hermitage - ThalabertJaboulet £20
1Bot1988HermitageFaurie £50
2Bot1989Cote RotieJasmin £35
1Mag1989Cote Rotie - BBR SelectionChapoutier £30
1Bot1990Chateauneuf - Clos des PapesAvril £75
1Bot1990Chateauneuf du PapeFont de Michelle £30
2Bot1990Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £480
1Bot1990Cote Rotie - La MoulineGuigal £480
1Bot1990Crozes-Hermitage - MeyssoniersChapoutier £20
2Bot1990GigondasSt Gayan £15
1Mag1990Hermitage - BBR SelectionChapoutier £40
1Bot1991Cote RotieBurgaud £30
1Bot1991Crozes-Hermitage - ThalabertJaboulet £20
1Bot1991Hermitage - Monier de la SizeranneChapoutier £40
1Bot1992Cote Rotie - BBR SelectionChapoutier £15
6Bot1992Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £185
2Bot1994Cote RotieJasmin £30
5Bot1994Crozes Hermitage - ThalabertJaboulet £15
5Bot1994Vacqueyras - Les TempliersClos de Cazau £12
1 Bot1995Ch de Beaucastel £480
3Bot1995Chateauneuf - Marie BeurrierBonneau £90
1 Bot1995Chateauneuf - Marie BeurrierBonneau £1,080
1Bot1995CornasChapoutier £15
5Bot1995Cote RotieOgier £30
4Bot1995Cote RotieChapoutier £18
1Mag1995Crozes Hermitage - MeysonniersChapoutier £25
1 Bot1995HermitageFaurie £450
3Bot1995St Joseph - (BBR Anniversary Cuvee)Chapoutier £20
6Bot1996Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £160
1Bot1996St Joseph - Clos de CuminailleGaillard £15
9Bot1997Ch de Beaucastel £34
1Bot1997St JosephChapoutier £20
1 Bot1997Vieux Telegraphe £240
8Bot1997Vieux Telegraphe £20
1Bot1998Chateauneuf - Cuvee SpecialeBonneau £240
6Bot1998Cote RotieOgier £40
5Bot1998Cotes du Rhone - Cros de la MureEric Michel £7
12Bot1998Crozes-HermitageGraillot £185
1 Bot1998Hermitage - BessardsDelas £650
5Bot1998Syrah - La RosineOgier £10
1 Bot1998Vieux Telegraphe £440
2 Bot1999Chateauneuf - Cuvee ReserveClos du Caillou £485 ib
2Bot1999Cote RotieBarge £25
3Bot1999Cote RotieJasmin £40
6Bot1999Crozes-HermitageGraillot £15
1 Bot1999Hommage a J PerrinCh De Beaucastel £2,100 ib
5Bot1999Hommage a J PerrinCh De Beaucastel £175
1 Bot1999Vacqueyras - Les TempliersClos de Cazau £120
11 Bot2000Chateauneuf - Cuvee FelixBois de Boursan £495 ib
3Bot2000Chateauneuf - Cuvee FelixBois de Boursan £43
8Bot2000Chateauneuf - Cuvee QuartzClos du Caillou £31
11Bot2000Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles VignesVieille Julienne £93
5 Bot2000Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles VignesVieille Julienne £1,100 ib
7 Bot2000Cote Rotie - Chateau d'AmpuisGuigal £660 ib
12Bot2000Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £170
12Bot2000Cote Rotie - La TurqueGuigal £170
11Bot2000Crozes-Hermitage - Cuvee GabyBernard Chave £15
6Bot2000St Joseph - OfferusBernard Chave £10
3 Bot2001Chateauneuf - Cuvee CentenaireLes Cailloux £1,295 ib
4 Bot2001Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles VignesVieille Julienne £1,150 ib
1Bot2001Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles VignesMarcoux £95
6Bot2001Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles VignesVieille Julienne £95
1 Bot2001Chateauneuf - Font MichelleGonnet £340
10Bot2001Chateauneuf - Plan PegauPegau £10
5Bot2001Cote RotieBurgaud £25
7 Bot2001Cote Rotie - Chateau d'AmpuisGuigal £565 ib
12Bot2001Ermitage - ex Voto RougeGuigal £105
3Bot2001Hermitage - Cuvee EmileDesmeure £28
1Mag2001VinsobresJaume £12
6Bot2002Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £95
1 Bot2003Ch de Beaucastel £350
10 Bot2003Ch de Beaucastel £350
1 Bot2003Chateauneuf - Cuvee ReserveePegau £840
6Bot2003Chateauneuf - Cuvee ReserveePegau £70
6Bot2003Chateauneuf du PapeVieux Donjon £25
1 Bot2003Chateauneuf du PapeVieux Donjon £300
1Bot2003Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £350
1Bot2003Cote Rotie - La MoulineGuigal £350
1Bot2003Cote Rotie - La TurqueGuigal £380
6Bot2003Cote Rotie - La TurqueGuigal £380
1 Bot2003Gigondas (Wine Society)Mont Caume £60
12Bot2003Homage J Perrin £140
6Bot2004Cote Rotie - La TurqueGuigal £140
1Bot2004Hommage a J PerrinCh De Beaucastel £165
1Dmg2004Hommage a J PerrinCh De Beaucastel £600
5 Bot2005Cote Rotie - Chateau d'AmpuisGuigal £770 ib
1Bot2005Cote Rotie - La LandonneGuigal £260
1 Bot2005Cote Rotie - La MoulineGuigal £3,100 ib
6Bot2005Cote Rotie - La MoulineGuigal £260
1Bot2005Cote Rotie - La TurqueGuigal £300
6Bot2005Cote Rotie - La TurqueGuigal £300
12Hlf2005Cotes du RhoneGuigal £4
2 Bot2005Ermitage - ex Voto RougeGuigal £2,070 ib
1 Bot2005Vacqueyras - Les TempliersClos de Cazau £130
1 Bot2005VacquyerasJaboulet £100
2 Bot2006Cote Rotie - Chateau d'AmpuisGuigal £685 ib
2 Bot2006Cote Rotie - La LandonneDelas £730 ib
1 Mag2006Cote Rotie - La LandonneDelas £740 ib
6Bot2006Cote Rotie - La MoulineGuigal £180
12Bot2006Cote Rotie - La TurqueGuigal £180
10 Bot2006Cote Rotie - Seigneur de MaugironDelas £365 ib
3 Bot2006Cotes du RhoneGuigal £77
2 Bot2006Ermitage - ex Voto RougeGuigal £1,725 ib
5 Mag2006Hermitage - Marquise de la TouretteDelas £355 ib
1 Bot2006Vacqueyras - Les TempliersClos de Cazau £120
1Bot2007Chateauneuf - Cuvee ChaupinJanasse £60
1 Bot2007Chateauneuf - Cuvee ChaupinJanasse £720
1 Bot2007Cotes du Rhone Villages - Secrete de FamilleJaboulet £80
5 Bot2007Hermitage - Marquise de la TouretteDelas £345 ib
1 Bot2007Vacqueyras - Les CypresJaboulet £100
1 Bot2007Vacqueyras - Les TempliersClos de Cazau £120
1 Bot2007Vinsobres - ReferenceDomaine Jaume £-
2Mag?Ch de Beaucastel £-
1 Bot2002Ch de Beaucastel Rousanne V V £450
5 Bot2006Ermitage - ex Voto BlancGuigal £1,015 ib
5 Bot2007Ermitage - ex Voto BlancGuigal £1,145 ib
10 Bot2008Condrieu - La DorianeGuigal £415 ib
5 Bot2009Condrieu - La DorianeGuigal £475 ib
1Mag?Hermitage - Chevalier SterimbergJaboulet £-
0Alsace £-
4Bot1976Gewurztraminer - VT SGNHugel £75
1Hlf1993Welschriesling - TBAWilli Opitz £30
2 Hlf2001Riesling - VTHugel £335 ib
5 Bot2003Gewurztraminer - VTHugel £250 ib
2 Bot2003Gewurztraminer - VT SGNHugel £485 ib
5 Bot2004Jubilee RieslingHugel £210 ib
9 Bot2005Jubilee Pinot NoirHugel £185 ib
10 Bot2005Tradition Pinot GrisHugel £100 ib
12 Bot2006Jubilee GewurztraminerHugel £180 ib
20 Bot2008Classic GewurztraminerHugel £100 ib
10 Hlf2008Classic GewurztraminerHugel £105 ib
20 Bot2008Classic RieslingHugel £95 ib
10 Hlf2008Classic RieslingHugel £105 ib
1Bot1971Bernkasteler Badstube SpatleseDeinhard £70
1Mag1988BandolTempier £35
1Bot1988Domaine de Trevallon £65
1Bot1989BandolTempier £15
6Bot2001FaugeresAlquier £14
1Bot2005Anjou - Clos de la Martiniere Cuvee V VBelin £6
10 Hlf2007Sancerre - Comte Lafond BlancLadoucette £160 ib
20 Bot2007Sancerre - Comte Lafond BlancLadoucette £150 ib
1Bot1945Tokaji Aszu - 5 Puttonos £250
0Champagne £-
1Bot1981Clos de MesnilKrug £800
1Bot1983Clos de MesnilKrug £650
1Bot1989Clos de MesnilKrug £550
2 Bot1990Dom Perignon £1,920
1Bot1990Dom PerignonMoet & Chandon £120
5Mag1995Roederer - Cristal £550
2Bot1996Dom PerignonMoet & Chandon £150
1 Mag1996Krug £3,900 ib
2 Bot1998Krug £1,470 ib
2Jer1999Roederer - Cristal £2,400
12Bot2000Dom Perignon Rose £180 ib
5Mag2000Roederer - Cristal £550
1 Bot2000Roederer - Cristal £1,620 ib
9Bot2000Roederer - Cristal £135
1 Mag2000Roederer - Cristal £3,300 ib
1 Mag2002Roederer - Cristal £3,150 ib
5Mag2002Roederer - Cristal £525
11Bot2002Roederer - Cristal £135
6BotNVChampagne - Grand CruEgly-Ouriet £50
1BotNVChampagne - Grand CruEgly-Ouriet £35
2 Bot Krug, Grand Cuvee £1,000 ib
0Italy - Australia Etc £-
1Bot1979Brunello di MontalcinoBiondi Santi £120
1Bot1998Masseto £350
3 Mag1999Brunello Montalcino - Reserva - Madonna PianoValdicava £1,750 ib
1Bot1999Masseto £300
3 Bot1999Recioto Amandoriato - MezzanellaMasi £310 ib
2 Bot2000Barolo - La SerraRoberto Voerzio £915 ib
5 Bot2002Rosso di MontalcinoFanti £65 ib
10 Bot2003Brunello di MontalcinoPoggio Antico £340 ib
10 Bot2003Brunello di Montalcino AlteroPoggio Antico £370 ib
1Bot2003SiepiFonterutoli £35
20 Bot2004Chianti Classico RiservaBadia a Passignano £280 ib
2 Bot2004Marciliano (Umbria IGT C. S. / C. F.)Falesco £225 ib
12 Bot2005Brunello di MontalcinoPian della Vigne £330 ib
4Mag2005Guado al TassoAntinori £95 ib
4 Mag2005SolaiaAntinori £1,935 ib
5 Bot2005SolaiaAntinori £1,935 ib
18 Bot2006Fratta Cabernet SauvignonMaculan £400 ib
30 Bot2006Guado al TassoAntinori £515 ib
8 Bot2006Marciliano (Umbria IGT C. S. / C. F.)Falesco £225 ib
1 Mag2006SolaiaAntinori £1,900 ib
10 Bot2006SolaiaAntinori £1,725 ib
10 Bot2006TignanelloAntinori £535 ib
40 Bot2007Guado al TassoAntinori £515 ib
2 Mag2007Guado al TassoAntinori £570 ib
15 Bot2007Il Bruciato Guado al TassoAntinori £175 ib
2 Bot2007MontianoFalesco £215 ib
2 Mag2007SolaiaAntinori £1,900 ib
20 Bot2007SolaiaAntinori £1,725 ib
14 Bot2007TignanelloAntinori £525 ib
24Dmg2007TignanelloAntinori £185 ib
10 Mag2007TignanelloAntinori £555 ib
2 Bot2008Pesano MerlotFalesco £80 ib
24 Bot2008VitianoFalesco £60 ib
1Bot1985GrangePenfolds £200
4Bot1990Shiraz - Georgia's PaddockJasper Hill £35
2 Bot1998Semillon - VAT 1Tyrrell's £230 ib
1 Bot1999JSM - Shiraz CabernetFox Creek £125 ib
2 Bot1999Semillon - VAT 1Tyrrell's £230 ib
4 Bot1999ShirazKillibinbin £200 ib
2 Bot1999Short Row - ShirazFox Creek £180 ib
10 Bot2002Semillon - VAT 1Tyrrell's £190 ib
1 Bot2002Shiraz-Viognier - Laughing Magpied'Arenberg £18
10 Bot2002The Anvil Heathcote ShirazRedbank £170 ib
3 Bot2002The Benbournie Cabernet SauvignonJim Barry £420 ib
20 Bot2002The ReserveYalumba £375 ib
10 Bot2003Semillon - VAT 1Tyrrell's £190 ib
20 Bot2004Octavius Old Vine ShirazYalumba £410 ib
3 Bot2004The DescendantTorbreck £685 ib
1 Bot2004The FactorTorbreck £685 ib
2 Bot2005Run RigTorbreck £1,210 ib
3 Bot2005The DescendantTorbreck £685 ib
5 Bot2006Run RigTorbreck £1,265 ib
1 Bot2006The FactorTorbreck £685 ib
20 Bot2009JuvenilesTorbreck £125 ib
20 Bot2008Woodcutters SemillonTorbreck £110 ib
2Bot1940Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £962
1Bot1947Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £927
1Bot1948Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £800
6Bot1965Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £337
1Bot1966Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £382
1Bot1967Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £332
1Bot1970Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £485
1Mag1973Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £679
2Bot1973Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £282
2 Bot1978Rioja - Yqay Gran Reserva EspecialMarques de Murrieta £1,135 ib
6Bot1979Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £282
1Mag1979Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £669
9Bot1980Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £277
1Mag1980Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £649
2Bot1980Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £270
7Mag1982Rioja - Imperial Gran ReservaCVNE £194 ib
1Bot1982Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £270
3Mag1985Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £604
2Mag1986Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £604
3Mag1987Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £604
12Bot1987Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £202
1Dmg1987Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £1,478
4 Mag1988Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £495 ib
8 Bot1989Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £510 ib
2Imp1989Rioja - Imperial Gran ReservaCVNE £253 ib
3Dmg1989Rioja - Imperial Gran ReservaCVNE £153 ib
1Dmg1989Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £1,478
12Bot1989Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £242
5Mag1989Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £519
6Mag1990Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £509
12Mag1991Rioja - Imperial Gran ReservaCVNE £89 ib
12Bot1991Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £200
24Bot1991Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £207
6Mag1991Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £529
4 Mag1993Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £415 ib
6 Bot1993Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £440 ib
1Imp1994Rioja - Imperial ReservaCVNE £228 ib
24Bot1994Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £242
6Mag1994Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £534
6 Bot1995Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £405 ib
1 Mag1995Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £390 ib
2Mag1995Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £479
12Bot1995Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £197
1Dmg1995Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £1,303
2Bot1995Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £190
5Mag1996Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £414
30Bot1996Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £212
4 Bot1997Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £405 ib
1Mag1998Rioja - Yqay Gran Reserva EspecialMarques de Murrieta £69 ib
6 Bot1998Terreus - Pago de Cueva BajaMauro £480 ib
3Bot1998TirantRotllan Torra £30
21Bot1998Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £202
4 Bot1999Rioja - Grandes AnadasArtadi £660 ib
6Imp1999Rioja - Imperial Gran ReservaCVNE £238 ib
3Dmg1999Rioja - Imperial Gran ReservaCVNE £128 ib
11Bot1999Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £60
12Bot1999Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £172
24Bot2000Vega Sicilia - UnicoBodegas Vega Sicilia £182 ib
1Bot2001Rioja - AroMuga £127
2Bot2001Rioja - CirsionRoda £187
1 Bot2001Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £2,170 ib
1Mag2001Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £474
12Bot2001TermanthiaNumanthia £142
1 Bot2002Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £1,915 ib
1Dmg2002Valbuena #5Bodegas Vega Sicilia £323
1Bot2003Ribera del Duero - PesusBodegas Sastre £252 ib
6Bot2003Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £222
1Mag2003Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £569
1 Bot2003Rioja - Vina de AndresBenjamin Romeo £845 ib
4Bot2003TermanthiaNumanthia £142
1 Mag2004Aalto PS £950 ib
1Bot2004Malleolus de Sancho MartinEmilio Moro £97 ib
8 Mag2004Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £280 ib
6Mag2004Rioja - AmancioSierra Cantabria £184
7Bot2004Rioja - AroMuga £127
6Bot2004Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £427
1Mag2004Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £829
3 Bot2004Rioja - Finca El BosqueSierra Cantabria £1,085
7Bot2004Rioja - Finca El BosqueSierra Cantabria £97
1 Bot2004Rioja - Pagos ViejosArtadi £830 ib
6Bot2004Rioja - Pagos ViejosArtadi £72 ib
2 Bot2004Rioja - Vina de AndresBenjamin Romeo £1,135 ib
2 Bot2004Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £3,865 ib
1Mag2004Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £804
3Bot2004TermanthiaNumanthia £477
60Bot2004Valbuena #5Bodegas Vega Sicilia £82 ib
3Mag2005Aalto PS £154 ib
2Mag2005Clos Erasmus £934 ib
1 Bot2005Espectacle del Montsant £1,160 ib
2Bot2005l'ErmitaAlvaro Palacios £422
5Bot2005Malleolus de Sancho MartinEmilio Moro £97
3Bot2005Malleolus de ValderramiroEmilio Moro £72
8 Bot2005Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £290 ib
9 Mag2005Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £265 ib
1Bot2005Ribera del Duero - PesusBodegas Sastre £252 ib
1Mag2005Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £789
6Bot2005Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £402
25 Bot2005Rioja - Crianza - TintoMarques de Caceres £81
25 Hlf2005Rioja - Crianza - TintoMarques de Caceres £86
1 Bot2005Rioja - Finca El BosqueSierra Cantabria £1,060
4Bot2005Rioja - Finca El BosqueSierra Cantabria £92
2 Bot2005Rioja - Vina de AndresBenjamin Romeo £1,135 ib
2 Mag2005Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £2,135
1 Bot2005Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £1,775 ib
12Bot2005TermanthiaNumanthia £147
12Bot2005Valbuena #5Bodegas Vega Sicilia £77 ib
2Mag2005Valbuena #5Bodegas Vega Sicilia £169
1 Bot2006Jumilla - El NidoBodegas El Nido £1,265 ib
1 Bot2006Malleolus de Sancho MartinEmilio Moro £1,100 ib
1 Bot2006Malleolus de ValderramiroEmilio Moro £805 ib
9 Mag2006Mas La Plana (Black Label)Torres £260 ib
1 Bot2006Ribera del Duero - Llanos del AlmendroDominio de Atauta £960 ib
1 Bot2006Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £1,775 ib
3 Bot2007Flor de Pingus £880 ib
3Bot2007Rioja - CirsionRoda £122
6Bot2007Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £197 ib
1 Bot2007Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £2,295 ib
3Mag2007Rioja - ContadorBenjamin Romeo £389 ib
3Mag2007Rioja - Vina El PisonArtadi £304
3 Bot2008Flor de Pingus £830 ib
1 Bot2008Pingus £4,560 ib
15 Bot2008Rioja - RosadoMarques de Caceres £65
1 Bot2009Pingus £4,950 ib
6 Bot2009Psi(Peter Sisseck) £200 ib
15 Bot2009Rioja - BlancoMarques de Caceres £60
15 Hlf2009Rioja - BlancoMarques de Caceres £64
1Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva EspecialeBodegas Vega Sicilia £195
1Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale (89/90/94)Bodegas Vega Sicilia £202
4Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale (90/91/94)Bodegas Vega Sicilia £202
6Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale (90/91/96)Bodegas Vega Sicilia £212
60Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale (90/94/96)Bodegas Vega Sicilia £197
4Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale (91/94/95)Bodegas Vega Sicilia £212
60Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale (91/94/98)Bodegas Vega Sicilia £192
12Bot Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especiale (91/94/98)Bodegas Vega Sicilia £185
1Bot1967Martha's Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonHeitz £390 ib
2Bot1970Martha's Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonHeitz £370 ib
1Bot1975Martha's Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon (Torn label)Heitz £215 ib
1Bot1976Martha's Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon (Bin Soiled LabelHeitz £160 ib
1Bot1978Gravelly Meadow Cabernet Sauvignon (Bin Soiled LabDiamond Creek £255 ib
3Bot1981Special Selection Cabernet SauvignonCaymus £150 ib
9Bot1984Monte Bello Cabernet SauvignonRidge Vineyards £160 ib
4Bot1984Special Selection Cabernet SauvignonCaymus £255 ib
1Bot1985Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £225 ib
2Bot1985Special Selection Cabernet SauvignonCaymus £170 ib
1Mag1987Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £640 ib
1Bot1987Limited Reserve Cabernet SauvignonSilverado £140 ib
2Bot1988Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £170 ib
1Bot1988Opus One £150
1Bot1989Cabernet Sauvignon (Scuffed Label)Grace Family Vineyards £225 ib
1Bot1990Cabernet Sauvignon (Scuffed Label)Grace Family Vineyards £215 ib
1Mag1990Special Selection Cabernet SauvignonCaymus £295 ib
1Mag1991Cabernet SauvignonSeavey £370 ib
1Bot1991Cabernet SauvignonSeavey £190 ib
1Bot1991Cabernet SauvignonSeavey £210 ib
2Bot1993Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £185 ib
3Bot1993Cabernet SauvignonBryant Family Vineyard £330 ib
1Bot1993Cabernet SauvignonScreaming Eagle £2,160 ib
1Bot1993Cabernet SauvignonScreaming Eagle £2,000
12Bot1993Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £170 ib
3Bot1993Hillside Select Cabernet SauvignonShafer Vineyards £185 ib
1Dmg1994Alexander Valley Cabernet SauvignonSilver Oak £350 ib
1Bot1994Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £405 ib
6Bot1994Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £175 ib
1Bot1994Madrona Ranch Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £185 ib
1Mag1994Opus One £390 ib
1Dmg1995Alexander Valley Cabernet SauvignonSilver Oak £350 ib
1Bot1995Cabernet SauvignonBryant Family Vineyard £470 ib
2Mag1995Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £560 ib
3Bot1996Cabernet SauvignonBryant Family Vineyard £470 ib
1 Bot1996Cabernet SauvignonDalla Valle £1,100 ib
2Bot1996Hillside Select Cabernet SauvignonShafer Vineyards £215 ib
7Bot1996InsigniaJoseph Phelps £135 ib
1Bot1996Mount Veeder Cabernet SauvignonLokoya £160 ib
1Bot1996Opus One £185 ib
7Bot1997Cabernet SauvignonPhilip Togni £140 ib
1Bot1997Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £160 ib
1Bot1997Cabernet SauvignonHourglass £160 ib
1Bot1997Cabernet SauvignonBarbour Vineyards £130 ib
4Bot1997Cabernet SauvignonBryant Family Vineyard £665 ib
1Bot1997Cabernet SauvignonHL Vineyards £195 ib
6Bot1997Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £160 ib
3Bot1997Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £155 ib
6Bot1997Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £555 ib
1Bot1997Imposter McCoySine Qua Non £330 ib
1Bot1997MayaDalla Valle £390 ib
3Bot1997MerlotPahlmeyer £140 ib
2Bot1997Morisoli Vyd. Reserve Cabernet SauvignonKarl Lawrence Cellars £140 ib
6Bot1997Pahlmeyer £200 ib
1Bot1997Reserve Cabernet SauvignonPride Mountain Vineyards £195 ib
1Bot1997The MaidenHarlan Estate £205 ib
1Mag1997Wedding Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonFisher £430 ib
1Bot1998Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £295 ib
10Bot1998Cabernet SauvignonScreaming Eagle £1,245 ib
1Bot1998Cask 23 Cabernet SauvignonStag's Leap Wine Cellars £135 ib
2Mag1998Hillside Select Cabernet SauvignonShafer Vineyards £295 ib
1Mag1998Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon (Loose Capsule)Shafer Vineyards £275 ib
1Bot1999Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £315 ib
1Bot1999Cask 23 Cabernet SauvignonStag's Leap Wine Cellars £135 ib
6Bot1999Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £195 ib
3Bot1999Harlan Estate £405 ib
7Bot1999Hillside Select Cabernet SauvignonShafer Vineyards £210 ib
1Dmg1999Napa Valley Cabernet SauvignonSilver Oak £450 ib
3Mag1999Opus One £405 ib
1 Mag1999Opus One £2,420 ib
2Bot2000Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £160 ib
1Bot2000CariadColgin £190 ib
1Bot2000Kistler Vyd. Cuvee Catherine Pinot NoirKistler £185 ib
6Bot2000Madrona Ranch Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £175 ib
1Bot2000Monte BelloRidge £75
1 Bot2000Opus One £2,420 ib
1Bot2000Thorevilos Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £155 ib
1Bot2000Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £160 ib
1Bot2001Blank Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £155 ib
2Bot2001Cabernet SauvignonVineyard 29 £145 ib
6Bot2001Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £175 ib
3Bot2001Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £210 ib
3Bot2001Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £225 ib
1Bot2001Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £240 ib
1Bot2001Jackass Hill ZinfandelMartinelli £135 ib
1Bot2001Madrona Ranch Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £195 ib
1Hlf2001Pagan Poetry Rose (Frosted Glass)Sine Qua Non £100 ib
1Hlf2001Pagan Poetry Rose (Frosted Glass)Sine Qua Non £115 ib
1Hlf2001Pagan Poetry Rose (Smooth Glass)Sine Qua Non £115 ib
1Mag2001Reserve Cabernet SauvignonPride Mountain Vineyards £450 ib
4Bot2001Sonoma Coast Pinot NoirKistler £135 ib
1Mag2001Sunspot 25th Anniv. Cabernet SauvignonShafer Vineyards £330 ib
1Mag2001Sunspot 25th Anniv. Cabernet SauvignonShafer Vineyards £390 ib
1Bot2001Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £250 ib
17Bot2002Amuse Bouche £200 ib
4Bot2002Backus Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonJoseph Phelps £150 ib
1Bot2002Backus Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon (nicked label)Joseph Phelps £150 ib
7Bot2002Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £235 ib
1 Bot2002Dominus £1,000 ib
10Bot2002H Block Hudson Vyd.Arietta £160 ib
2Bot2002Heart Chorea Syrah (OWC)Sine Qua Non £800 ib
5Bot2002Hollerin' M Shea Vyd. Pinot NoirSine Qua Non £210 ib
1Bot2002IX EstateColgin £350 ib
1Bot2002Kistler Vyd. Cuvee Catherine Pinot NoirKistler £195 ib
6Bot2002Madrona Ranch Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £255 ib
1Bot2002Reserve Cabernet SauvignonPride Mountain Vineyards £185 ib
1Bot2002Seymour's Vyd. Syrah (Chipped Wax Capsule)Alban Vineyards £150 ib
1Bot2002The MaidenHarlan Estate £170 ib
2Bot2003Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £160 ib
1Bot2003Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £190 ib
1Mag2003Harlan Estate £720 ib
6Bot2003Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £230 ib
4Bot2003Kayli Morgan Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonHundred Acre Winery £210 ib
2Bot2003Little Hill Block Reserve Pinot NoirJ. Rochioli Vineyards £145 ib
5Bot2003Madrona Ranch Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £170 ib
2Bot2003Madrona Ranch Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £215 ib
6Bot2003Opus One £165 ib
2Bot2003RBS Beckstoffer To Kalon Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonSchrader £235 ib
2Bot2003Reuling Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot NoirAubert £200 ib
3Bot2003Sloan £210 ib
3Bot2003ThorevilosAbreu £250 ib
6Bot2003Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £215 ib
1Bot2004AmpersandLevy & McClellan £145 ib
4Bot2004Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £160 ib
8Bot2004CariadColgin £250 ib
3Bot2004Cuvee Elizabeth Bodega Headlands Pinot NoirKistler £170 ib
2Bot2004Eisele Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonAraujo Estate £175 ib
2Bot2004Eisele Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon (nicked label)Araujo Estate £175 ib
1Bot2004Galitzine Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £160 ib
2Bot2004Galitzine Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £145 ib
3Bot2004Herb Lamb Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £285 ib
14Bot2004IX EstateColgin £220 ib
1Bot2004IX Estate SyrahColgin £155 ib
4Bot2004La JoieVerite £140 ib
4Bot2004La MuseVerite £140 ib
3Bot2004Levy & McClellan £285 ib
14Bot2004Levy & McClellan £295 ib
3Bot2004Madrona Ranch Cabernet SauvignonAbreu £270 ib
3 Bot2004Opus One £1,960 ib
12Hlf2004Opus One £85 ib
3Bot2004Paradise Hills Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonBlankiet £140 ib
7Bot2004Riverblock Vyd. Pinot NoirJ. Rochioli Vineyards £140 ib
2Bot2004Stagecoach Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonPaul Hobbs £155 ib
1Bot2005Blue Slide Ridge Pinot NoirMartinelli £175 ib
4Bot2005Cabernet SauvignonSeven Stones £175 ib
1Bot2005Cabernet SauvignonVineyard 29 £135 ib
4Bot2005CariadColgin £235 ib
1Mag2005Futo £420 ib
8Bot2005Hudson Vyd. SyrahKongsgaard £135 ib
1Bot2005Levy & McClellan £315 ib
2Bot2005Lucia Abreu Vyd.Aubert £160 ib
1Mag2005Ovid £350 ib
2Mag2005Ovid £430 ib
1Bot2005Ovid £160 ib
2Bot2005Sloan £275 ib
1Bot2005The MaidenHarlan Estate £180 ib
2Bot2005Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £265 ib
3Bot2005Tychson Hill Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonColgin £260 ib
2Mag2005UV Vyd. Pinot NoirAubert £330 ib
1Mag2006Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £295 ib
1Bot2006Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £140 ib
3Bot2006Cabernet SauvignonScarecrow £295 ib
5Bot2006Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £195 ib
3Bot2006Cabernet SauvignonGrace Family Vineyards £155 ib
2Bot2006Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £150 ib
1Bot2006Cuvee Catherine Occidental Station Pinot NoirKistler £135 ib
7Bot2006Cuvee Elizabeth Bodega Headlands Pinot NoirKistler £145 ib
11Bot2006DB4 Cabernet SauvignonBryant Family Vineyard £140 ib
1Bot2006Deep Time Cabernet SauvignonHundred Acre Winery £410 ib
1Bot2006G III Cabernet SauvignonSchrader £315 ib
8Bot2006Galitzine Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £140 ib
1Bot2006Grenache SyrahKongsgaard £175 ib
11Bot2006Harlan Estate £470 ib
2Bot2006Harlan Estate £450 ib
1Mag2006Harlan Estate £1,030 ib
1Bot2006IX EstateColgin £330 ib
1Mag2006Reva SyrahAlban Vineyards £350 ib
2Bot2006Reva SyrahAlban Vineyards £160 ib
1Bot2006State Lane Vyd. Roberta's Reserve (Nicked Label)Kapcsandy Family £145 ib
3Bot2006The MaidenHarlan Estate £145 ib
2Bot2007Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £160 ib
3Bot2007Cuvee Catherine Occidental Station Pinot NoirKistler £135 ib
1Bot2007G III Cabernet SauvignonSchrader £370 ib
3Bot2007Galitzine Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £135 ib
3Bot2007Galitzine Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonQuilceda Creek £140 ib
1Mag2007James Berry Vyd.Saxum £760 ib
1Bot2007State Lane Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonKapcsandy Family £410 ib
1Mag2007UV Vyd. Pinot NoirAubert £260 ib
5Bot2007UV Vyd. Pinot NoirAubert £140 ib
1Bot2008G III Cabernet SauvignonSchrader £330 ib
1Bot2008RBS Beckstoffer To Kalon Vyd. Cabernet SauvignonSchrader £330 ib
5Bot2008Reuling Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot NoirAubert £140 ib
4Bot2008UV Vyd. Pinot NoirAubert £140 ib
1Bot1999TarantellaSine Qua Non £170 ib
2Hlf2000Mr. K The Nobleman ViognierSine Qua Non £120 ib
1Bot2001AlbinoSine Qua Non £175 ib
2Hlf2002Mr. K The Ice Man GewurztraminerSine Qua Non £150 ib
1Bot2003Sublime Isolation Proprietary WhiteSine Qua Non £140 ib
2Bot2004Cuvee Indigene ChardonnayPeter Michael Winery £140 ib
1Bot2004The RejuvenatorsSine Qua Non £160 ib
1Bot2006Point Rouge ChardonnayPeter Michael Winery £235 ib
2Bot2008Lauren Sonoma Coast ChardonnayAubert £145 ib
2Bot2008Reuling Vyd. Sonoma Coast ChardonnayAubert £145 ib
6Bot Armagnac Vieille Reserve de LafiteLafite £1,450 ib
6Bot Cognac Tres Vieille Reserve de LafiteLafite £1,450 ib
2 Bot Capuchino Oloroso 30 Years OldDomecq £288
18Hlf Cayetano del Pino Palo Cortado Viejissimo £16
6Bot Relic AmontilladoBarbadillo £231
6Bot Relic OlorosoBarbadillo £231
6Bot Relic Palo CortadoBarbadillo £231
6Bot Relic Pedro XiminezBarbadillo £231
2 Per 6 Relic Very Old Reserve Sherry AmontilladoBarbadillo £488
2 Per 6 Relic Very Old Reserve Sherry Oloroso DulceBarbadillo £488
2 Per 6 Relic Very Old Reserve Sherry Oloroso SecoBarbadillo £488
2 Per 6 Relic Very Old Reserve Sherry Palo CortadoBarbadillo £488
2 Bot Sibarita Oloroso 30 Years OldDomecq £288